Friday, October 8, 2010

Security Advisor Switch: Biden Rules The World!

According to an article I'm reading by Jack Tapper (or trapper) from ABC's Political Punch, Robert Gates felt Donilon would be a "disaster" as security advisor. Gates called Jones "the glue that holds the team together."

Now Jones is resigning and Donilon is taking his place, with Jones stating Donilon is "The man who keeps the trains running on time."

What I want to know, is where the trains are going.

I don't know that it was a good idea to accept Jones' resignation and I think it's an even worse idea to hire Donilon to take his place. This is turning into a family business. The government is being run, on the Biden side, by a family. I just looked at how many people who are RELATED by marriage or not, to BIDEN, and I think it's very odd.

Donilon does not even have military clout. And this is the man who is going to oversee the Security affairs? An Administrative Assistant who keeps the "trains running on time" and is related to the VP?

Has anyone in the American public even BOTHERED to look, as I just did, at how many of these people are RELATED to eachother?

I might have to vote for a Republican president next time around, just to get rid of some of this other weird stuff that's coming in. I like Obama and Michelle, but I seriously question the wisdom of putting this many inter-related people into power. It doesn't look good and it's, frankly, not healthy for the country.

I am not kidding. If you go to the wikipedia page you will find:

Donilon is married to Cathy Russell who has been named Chief of Staff to Jill Biden. He is the brother to Mike Donilon, who was chosen to be Counselor to VP Joe Biden.

This speaks to a family that is appointing more family members and influencing a President to give them even more control. And I hardly see where Donilon is credible as a security advisor. Jones looks tough, but he does have a lot of experience behind him whereas Donilon is...?

He was an executive and main CEO of Fannie Mae people. He worked as Executive VP for Law and Policy for Fannie Mae. Law and Policy. He was the top lawyer who had the responsibility of ensuring the company complied with laws and was following regulation rules and who would have had the most knowledge about how the company was being run, charged with a responsibility to protect not just the company, but the clients.

Remember Fannie Mae? The mortgage company, one of a few that ran our country into the ground? That was either dissolved or bailed out and which was under investigation?

That's just great. I love it when Fannie Mae executives fail at managing their companies, causing thousands of people to go into foreclosure and lose their homes, and then go on to become top Security Advisor.

The man who keeps the trains running on time, who ran the mortgage trains right through the houses of hundreds of thousands of families, is now about to plow the military merchant mines.

Not only that, it's starting to look like The Knights of Columbus are starting to run the whole country. I'm sorry, but that is the truth.

Since when did almost every single top establishment appoint only members of the same church, at the top positions of influence? When someone doesn't have the necessary qualifications for a job, and the only common denominators with others in the field are biological genetics and church, it begs the question.

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