Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kyle Mussman's "Antiques" Are Shit & CPS Interference and Defamation

Mr. Mussman owns or runs the Whitman Hotel.

I just had the rudest treatment there and he's the one who supposedly runs the music and operates it, and makes calls on things.

I went in directly to sit by the fire until I could get a bus pass out and I was the only person there and not doing any harm to anyone. I just sat. That was it.

As soon as I came in, the music got cranked up. It was all Saxophone jazz music. But when I went in it was cranked up and put to a specific song: "Killing Me Softly With Your Song."

Then, every single song after that was a huge sax-heavy song.

There were these two things on the fireplace mantle: one was a vase and the other was a jar, and they had hieroglyphics on them.

I was told I had to leave by the security guard. Who was a serious asshole. He stood there and just clicked a pen, over and over and over.

I was told I had to leave or they were calling police. I used the restroom and then this other woman came in and asked if I was "okay". I asked who controlled the music that was played, and who the manager was, and I inquired about the hieroglyphics objects. She told me they were objects and the hotel was almost 100 years old.

I said, "Those aren't antiques."

They looked like something from Pottery Barn of Pier One, circa 1990-2000s.

I didn't pick them up or look at the bottoms. I just looked at them.

She said, "Well, there was a remodel that was done 10 years ago so some things are old and some things are new."

Even if they were older than that, they weren't antiques by my standards. Most people don't mix hieroglyphics with Chinese motif standing screens either, and fake flowers, if they have any knowledge of antiques at all. It's not a fucking pawn shop. It's supposed to be a hotel that is renovated in a historical manner and it wasn't. It looked like Mykal Holt had been the designer.

This was the Marcus-Whitman Hotel.

The building itself was admirable, not the decorating.

I am really tired of being in this country. I am tired of the stupid games and the unnecessary stalking, some of which has happened most of my life maybe, and I never knew it. I am just tired of it. I feel the people I've stayed with, who were using me and then stealing from me, should be held accountable and instead, these people have approached me or wanted proximity for selfish reasons.

This entire day was set up.

Also, someone intentionally put up WRONG directions and times for buses and trains so I didn't get out of this town on time. I wrote down the time listed at the main place and then got over here and was told it was something totally different. It was my fault (I guess) that I couldn't later understand what a "turnaround" was but at the first station it had things listed normally with departure and arrival times and I know I wrote it down right.

It was the same thing with the phone book I was led to, and told to use, for getting a phone number of a friend. The number in the book wasn't correct. When I went to the National Guard I was told it was one digit off.

I don't need people screwing around with my directions and information.
Additionally, I am realizing that the defamation by CPS about me, has created grounds for some to actually think I am an unsafe person, around children and it's being made into something that isn't there.

Today a police officer was just parking at a light and not moving even though it was green, but only while I was walking past a children's playground. That officer does not usually do this. Someone told him to do this.

Then, I found out from some woman at YWCA that they had been contacted or made aware I was coming to town so they made sure they were "full" and she had the nerve to tell me there are concerns for housing where children are there.

She kept saying, "alrighty" which is something the CPS visitation monitor, Anne Crane, said all the time, to mock me.

I think the State has a much bigger lawsuit coming than they would expect.

Meanwhile, I have people harassing me and trying to provoke me constantly and the same assholes I knew in Wenatchee, commissioned to follow me about and have others follow me about and do their shitty wiccan or kaballah or fucking SHIT wherever I go.

I can't even go to church anymore, with people I thought were old friends, without having to witness weird shit, even in church. Not the set up stuff there, but imitating mannerisms (by some) and doing things in church which are just distracting and not church-like or Godly or Christian at all. I wasn't being tortured in church, that was good. But still, a few, for whatever reason, just doing weird things. It felt like Little House on the Prairie, where the kids are all sticking their tongues out during service. But it's not just in church, it's other places.

Have some respect for being in a place of worship and keep your quirks to yourself. Most of the people were not doing this, but a few were and it's just strange for me to see in church.

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