Monday, October 18, 2010

Bitches: 6NC5974 California plates & stalkers

Ths is the plate for the bitches who just left, after telling me they go to school here. And doing some very shitty coordinated work.

Now the other bitch who is here and wanted her guy friend to come over is fucking hastening out

She is getting ready to leave right now.

I want someone to get on her ass and track her.

She has short dark hair and is wearing a black trenchcoat. Bitch left.

Driving 945 XCW, Washington plates.

These people were fucking all together and fucking coordinated. And some of this bullshit is coming from California.

Which is probably why I had problems getting the Pac NW FBI on any of this shit a long time ago, when it was first happening.

The woman driving the WA plate car--it was a black SUV...She was tall with an angular face.

I think these people may have swapped cars though.

I have a feeling there was a car swap.

The women driving the car with California plates--both of them were younger and one was white. The other was not white. She was either Eastern Indian or Middle Eastern, or Israeli (I saw this to include this country with "middle east" in general), something, or part something. She didn't look hispanic to me.

One had long sort of curly brown hair. Very long and curly. Both of them came in wearing purple and sat next to me and each of them set their cups down in front of themselves, leaving a space, I guess to make fun of the whole "balance" thing. Then the other woman who was wearing her hair the way I used to wear my hair, and wearing a shirt that was the same as my main pregnancy shirt, sat inbetween the cups.

She took off after I wrote about the one guy who was nodding off at the woman behind him (who was the one who left in a WA plated SUV). Then after he left, I think the woman behind him nodded off at the other two to leave so they did. Then she left after I followed the 2 women out.

There is still a man here who she was nodding over at, before she left.

So, like I said, most of the people here, already know me or about me and had a special interest in me. I am almost always right. My instincts are right.

The 2 women told me they went to a church here locally, where the pastor is from New Zealand. They said it was a 7th day Adventist college and that they were going to college here. I don't know that this is true.

I walked out and this other guy who had also been in the cafe was sitting on a bench, I guess to wait and see what happened. So they got into their car and I came around the corner and as they were backing out I stood behind the car and took the pen out of my hair to write down their plate number, on my frickin' Jack in the Box bag.


How about a little bag of Runts for the Grunts.

I said to this other man who was sitting down at an adjacent table, "There's nothing like a good round-up is there?"

I said to the 2 women, after getting their plate numbers, "Thank you ladies. Have a good trip." Of course, after the guy they already knew put his foot out as if to trip me and then reconsidering. I already knew they were connected, it wasn't like I just randomly said this to the women, subconsciously. I knew they were fucking up to something.

How mean is that? to purposefully have a woman come in to try to trigger some response about pregnancy and miscarriage or my son.

That is FUCKED UP.

The last one I got was 999 BPR Oregon. Driving a van that said Blue Book and full size van. White male.

Pacific NW and all of them were connected and knew eachother. 3 different states:

None were super rude outwardly and I didn't have a bad feeling or vibe, but I knew there was BS and I also knew it was mean to have someone come in to remind me of my pregnancy times.
There were more people there and others knew eachother or were doing weird things but I followed one line. I couldn't follow everyone or try to pick up on everything.

Now, like I said, I want my son back.


Also, I'll add, the overheating thing did quit for awhile too. At the end while I was there, it pretty much quit.

This is a very small sample of what I go through almost every single day.

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