Monday, October 18, 2010

Problems With Laptop Quit (police passing by)

I had some problems with the laptop overheating for the first time, here in Walla Walla tonight and for once, it quit right about the time I saw an officer in a white patrol car coming around the corner. So maybe someone was discouraged from doing what they were doing.

I am grateful. If it was a white patrol car, I don't really know which police that is...state? but it quit right about the time, or a little bit before this car, which followed another white sedan, came around the corner from the alley. The alley to my left. So I'm glad. I think maybe someone was scared off or something just quit for some reason. Thank goodness.

I was sitting here trying to ignore it and carrying on anyway but someone was doing this. First time, here in this town. So then I was going through photos and just clicking through and deleting stuff that was blurry and I didn't need, and around that time or a little before, it quit and then this car come around the corner.

Now someone has just started it up again. Quit for maybe 10 minutes and that was it and then started it up again.

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