Monday, October 18, 2010

Fun For The Day & Not-Fun Crime

Here are some more but I need to delete some of them. Some of them I can't find either. A couple are missing. To see explanation, see section about the replication of the "Putin" house during census.

However, there were also a bunch of empty bottles and cups at my lawyer's offices too, on a file cabinet.

After being followed around all day today, for every small thing, by tons of people, I really felt like it was funny yeah, and something else happened that was also interested, but you know what? I'm not getting paid, am I?

It's really great to have the games and experimentation but it's partially at expense of me and my son. I feel like it's some kind of psychics competition and they're all getting paid by their respective governments, and I'm getting fucking nothing.

I would like to know if there is any country that just doesn't do this or practice this at all, because I might be interested in looking into such a country.

I don't mind a little bit of this, for fun. I also wouldn't mind being compensated. But to the extent in which I have and am being used, I do not believe it's the right of the U.S. to do this and allow this when I haven't consented to constant games or what feels a lot like stalking and harassment sometimes. I also know that the worst part is that my own son is being USED in the same way and I have a small inkling of a few other children who are being similarly used.

You need to ask for someone's consent. You also need to leave kids out of it.

Sometimes, I just get regular harassment, which is different from being used for experiments or research that I should be compensated for. For example, simple harassment would be this guy who just now drove by and stared at me and mouthed slowly, "JEW". I thought, "What?" and looked back at the photos. I guess he's saying I'm a "JEW" because in a couple photos I'm standing next to a Pepsi machine that has a yellow button on it. (or round magnet or something). Real tasteful asshole. And note the fact that this asshole drives by to stare at me and harass me, only maybe 10 minutes after (or less) that I posted the photos. If someone wants to cyberwatch, that's fine. I put it on my blog. But the fact that I have people who know where to stalk me and harass me is a little different. Yet, it's still a basic right. What is not a right, is for others who get paid by governments, esp. the U.S., to use me and my son without my consent. I think for all the time that's gone into sending out military and U.S. to stalk us and use us, a lot more of the money and time could be going into investigating who has tortured us. How about that?

I like how some top gov or other people give me a nod or support sometimes, as if I'm doing something for the country or something, but my son is not with me and we are both being used without compensation or consent. Just because I share a few things that I "get" through prayer, doesn't mean that I am consenting to all of this other stuff. I have been refused housing in Wenatchee, by a federally and state funded program in order to force me to accept staying with people who DO this kind of thing. And then, after being forced out of housing so that it forces me to be a guinea pig by having a close proximity to others who are asked to work out their experimental shit, I am pretty much coerced into giving up eggs so someone out there can use my genes and combine them with someone elses genes, to create some kind of psychic government phenomenon. And that child will be used and not even even know it. To me, the U.S. knows this is going on and they have used people to make things happen this way, because otherwise someone would be getting involved to investigate abuse of monies, discrimination, and would be finding someone who gets evidence and records on my behalf and on behalf of my son. The State and the federal government have agreed with eachother, some of them, to use me. I don't mind so much, if we're being compensated a little. But this is the U.S. forcing me out of normal housing even, in order to make it easier to use me. After today I thought about just going straight to the UN, but I will first go to the AG and Obama. I have to.

There are a lot of assholes from Oregon over here since I came into town. A few normal ones, but I guess it's because it's close. More came in though, after I was here. A few were already here to start with and then more.

Most of the people in the cafe I'm in have indicated special interest in me. One guy just left, and the woman behind him knew him and had wanted him to come in. Another woman came in wearing a shirt that was like the one I wore during my pregnancy with my son. It was the exact same one but not a pregnancy smock and she sat next to me after I posted a comment someone made about miscarriage. Then at the same time, another couple started talking about twins. I complimented the woman on her shirt and asked where she got it and she said "Old Navy" which is where mine came from, but mine came in a giftbox from a "friend" (I had thought) from Oregon, who picked it out.

Nice, huh? The only thing that would give that shirt away would be photos that I have stored with a woman who is in Seattle. I have most of my photos there. I think though, that some of the pregnancy photos were with the wonderful Steve May who stole all of my belongings and shared all of my personal information with others. He stole even my personal photos. And I think there were one or two that were with him. So I THINK possibly, this woman in Seattle might be guilt free but I don't know for sure.

A couple of bitches just left. Fake friendly bitches.

The display of my photos or use of them, to harass me in any way, would only be through Steve May, or this woman who has some, in Seattle. Others would be my fiance and former housemate Mykal Holt, who organized some of my things and he found my photos. I don't think he'd do this, unless she photographed my photos. Which would be really interesting.

But those are the only possibilities:

Steve May
Mykal Holt
my Ex (who I think would be less likely)
Woman from Seattle (I don't suspect as much)

I'll upload more photos later. I have more. But this is a few for now and then I'll add the other ones. No, my name is not Anna. I am not a Russian Spy. I am a beet-nik, not a communist. (and when someone asked me, after these photos were taken, if I was a Russian Spy, I said, "Do you know an Alexander?" and he said, shocked, "First name or last name?" I said, "First." He said no, and I said, "Do you know someone with the last name Alexander?" and he said, "Yes, I do." I asked who he was and he said he was the Director for a V.A. hospital. I said, "Tell him I said hello." He said okay, and I said, "Tell him, you asked me if I was a Russian Spy and Cameo Garrett said, "Do you know an Alexander?"")

This is of me by the machine that has a lion on it that says ROAR! I really just thought of my own father when I said "king kong daddy" in a joking way the other day, it wasn't a pet name for any man. I was thinking about how he must be proud of me as my own grandpa garrett and other grandpa's and others would be. It had nothing to do with any man. It was a reference to my own family. I just thought it was funny. I HATE having anyone call me "Mama". I mean, I blog that way with a signature that way, but PLEASE do not call me Mama unless it is to speak to my son about me. However, it's not as though I can't break away from opinions my family has or ideas, which I may not share. So I have respect but sometimes you do things yourself or you find help from others who may not be family or related at all.

I'm uploading some of these photos, but they're really blurry so I had to have them retaken. I will delete some of them probably. This is the one of me in the interviewer's chair. Some of these are better than others.

I had more things happen. More crime,and then a few nice surprises as well.

I feel very thankful to God because there were a few sad moments, but it turned around and I feel a solid and good (just in myself maybe, don't know) peace. And I am thankful for that.

I really felt like my whole attitude, after even being subjected to torture again (possibly along with others) is up for the better too. I noticed a few things that made me sad, but other things seem to be okay.

I should have a splitting migraine because someone did something to try to trigger one, but I prayed and was able to figure out a way to have it corrected and prayed God would return that person, or those people, what they deserved. I'll go into that in a minute.

First, I want to say, that even when someone was doing something weird in the Christian store, I felt peace from God that just made their little conversation (which referenced Carol and Kate and Will in a marriage sense) just fly by and not hit or feel annoying at all. I didn't rush out and instead sayed to hear the rest of the song by Amy Grant, "El Shaddai" (a piano piece only) and read an encouraging scripture or two.

There is a woman walking by, by the way, down 1st right now, and she is going up Alder and there is something really wrong with her. She has long straight blond hair and turned to the left going East and wearing a camo jacket. She was stalking me yesterday too. Same woman. Today she was walking by pretending her back ached, which is really interesting bc that's what I told someone in town, was wrong with me this morning.

So she walked by dramatically as if her back was killing her. Then, after I blogged I was feeling great, she checked her phone and then walked the other direction totally different, jolly and without any apparent back pain (before she walked very slow and was holding onto her back). Just big drama.

What was done last night is very similiar to things that happened in Wenatchee and also at the women's shelter in Canada. It seems someone feels targeting shelters for certain things, is no big deal because the people there are either worthless, in their view, or are too vulnerable to find out what's happening and do something about it. It wasn't just me because the woman whose room I shared, was already asleep when this one thing happened and I heard her react, even though she didn't wake up. I know for certain she was completely asleep. At least for this one thing that happened.

You bastards are going to be caught and you're going to jail. Do you understand me? I hope you are paying attention because your time is almost up.

I will detail what happened at the end of this post.

Now, onto nicer things.

I went to this pallet place and there was good energy there. I got some ibuprofen and everyone was nice. I then went to this dental place and asked about enamel dysplasia and how to get an independent eval for my son. They already knew who I was and were expecting me. Since they weren't forthcoming about this, I didn't have to be either. So I lied little white lies. I said I had been there and someone had shown me a passage from a professional dental book about this disorder. So I said I was there to see that again. They already knew I was coming in for that but said how did I know someone and I said through friends and she wasn't there anymore. The woman said oh! yes, Dr. Coe isn't there anymore. I nodded, oh really? (feigned surprise) bc it's been awhile, a couple of years and I was from out of town. oh yes, Dr. Coe is working with Native Americans on Umatilla. Okay. Well whatever, I just wanted to see the thing again. So this assistant or someone, who I think I got a lot of psychic info about, brings out these books. I think she wanted to try to trump my photo of SQL: headfirst photo, that is SOOOO threatening to natural world order. So they brought out a book that was "second edition" and said "evolve" and was a dumbed down textbook for dental assistants. I said it was not the kind of book I was looking for--it was more scientific and was a medical/dental book, not a book you could find anywhere for general readers.

So then I walked out and had some nice reminders of my son (john deere tractor there and other things) and then was walking past all of these "airhead" wrappers. Tons and tons, all the way down, which made me think yes, that was a book for airheads. Or something like that. But she was okay, in general, they were nice.

I went to a couple other places looking for socks and then went to this automotive place and the minute I walked in, without seeing anything but the couch, I thought of the Putins.

And here's the nice friendly trump on that...I knew that the Putins were interested in where I was going when I left Wenatchee. I don't know how I knew, but I knew. It was really weird. I mean, weird that I somehow knew for some reason. I don't know how to explain that kind of psychic thing, because it was really different. On one day I saw Putin wringing his hands or rubbing them sort of nervously. It wasn't about me. I just didn't write about this. It was sometime after the Ukraine crash. Then, a few day later, I noticed an impression of a kind, that indicated to me they were really curious and personally interested in where I was going. I knew it.

So then I looked around at this shop and yes, the whole place was set up to mimic the Putins sitting room for the census. So I said it might be funny to take photos and then post them. I sat on both couches and then said, "Maybe I shouldn't sit on the couch as if I am part of the Putin family and rather sit in the interviewer's chair." I had photos taken all ways though. And I stood by the t.v. on the stand too. I said, when I was sitting, "All you need is a t.v. on a stand" and he said, "Right over there." Voila. Being there made me think of my son because he would have enjoyed seeing all of the model cars. It is sad he is not with me yet Right next to the couch, there was a tall thing with a lion on it that said ROAR! and I thought about how I had written my King Kong Daddy was going to rooooarrr when I knew there was a map in the National Guard station. And then again, I thought, he will really roar when he sees these photos of me matching with the Putins, in a collegial for fun way.

There were 4 stacks of magazines on the table. I took them down and asked for bottles. I said, "You have bottles!" and fished a few out of the garbage. I said "I need 7 bottles". So I took a few out of one basket. Then a few out of another basket. Then he said I could use his (he was drinking Sprite). He said, "Here's 7, if I use my bottle." And I said, "And I have one of my own, and that will make 8."

It was the bottle I saw the rainbow in. I had kept it since then and reused for my protein powder, to mix with water. I bought it at the bus station and it was the minute maid bottle. I remembered the water bottles in front had been empty so I filled them up with water and was going to pour into all of them and did a little bit.

If I'd had a starbucks cup, I would have added that. Because it would make me think of my cousin (who works at Starbucks) which makes me think of my son. I support her to vicariously support my child.

In some of the photos a bottle is hidden so it still looks like 7 but there is 8 too. And I figured someone would just get a kick out of it.

When I was waving I thought maybe, next to 8 bottles, this is like 5/8ths, from my mom's bread recipe. Just being silly.

Then, what was weird, was that I went to the subway and ate and a few other places (for socks) too, and then I was at the Christian bookstore and I walked in and first saw Veggie tales and thought of my son. Love, love, love to my son Oliver.

Then I didn't know why I was there. I was hoping for good energy. I stopped or just thought, I hate all this "signs" stuff, done to extremes, but in my personal way, asked God to direct me to the place I stop at, and tell me when to stop and look to show me something. So I walked through and felt it: stop. So I stopped. And then I turned. It said, "In The Kitchen." It was a tag for a book section and I was right in the middle of a huge book collection and they were all cookbooks and there was a little loaf of bread down at the bottom. Give us this day our daily bread. And books about Grace and cooking (for some reason).

And then I took photos for some reason. Then, I saw blow up veggie tales and went that way again. There was a spider on the floor. Which I noticed as I put my hand into a box full of agates that had words written or etched into the stones.

I prayed to God, "Please show me something that I need to work on and develop in my life."

I mixed the stones up and didn't look and asked that God would show me, even in the randomness. I pulled out a stone and it said "Balance". So I thought, okay, I need more balance. I could agree with that. I'm a Libra. How could I disagree with needing balance. I am a mother who will walk on a tightrope to get to my son. I need balance. Yes.

I then mixed them up again and asked what God was proud of me for having, and pulled out a stone and it said: "Grounded". I thought, I used to be very flighty or head in the sky, but I guess I am more grounded now. And I felt it was a compliment that in all of this, maybe I am solid. I am grounded at the core which is what keeps me together.

So I asked for one more thing. It was a more romantic thing. So I asked, "God, what will the person I'm supposed to be with bring to my life?" or add to my life?" and I mixed them up, and pulled out a stone and it said: "Balance".

I laid them out the way I pulled them out. Grounded, Balance, Balance. Or I guess, Balance, Grounded, Balance is actually the way I got them.

Balance, Grounded, Balance

What a gorgeous equation and symmetry eh? It looks like the scales of justice. :)

I got them in that order, but I laid them out from which ends I drew the stones.

I thought, that is kind of cool, that what someone else is going to bring or add to my life, will be helping me acheive what I need. Balance in what way I don't know, but couples sometimes think of themselves as halves and that the other partner brings something to even them out a little bit or add to their life.

I'm sure balance can mean different things for different people. But, all I know is that it makes sense! However, I still believe in aquiring what you need by trying to develop yourself on your own, the best that you can. Still, it was interesting. It was strange to see a stone that said "grounded" because this is what someone once told me, a long time ago, I was lacking in my life and needed, was to be more grounded. And I would agree that I am more grounded or solid (in some ways) than I used to be, in the sense of being stronger, which I'm sure a lot of people appreciate as being true for themselves as they live and learn more.

Then, when they started talking about other things, I didn't care. I felt very strong and good energy and at peace. I thought, "Do I want to play into things like random chance and feed that?" and I think, most of the time, and in reality, no. I don't. But for something where it's not determining my future or making big choices and something small, it might be okay, now and then, if it feels right at the conclusion of it or it spurs on good thought about things to change in ones life.

And then I came here to blog about it.
Oh! and I did notice that rug. you know the rug. What in the world. I kept wanting to shade and color everything in that color. It was the color bittersweet, I think. Or mahongony or chestnut. I will have to look. Sort of strange, when I was having certain ideas to mind then. I really love that rug.

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