Sunday, October 17, 2010

Princess Anne In Church (sort of)

I have to comment on something, before I move on speak of another Anne, an Anne Sandberg.

The thing is, I sort of went to church today. It was a most bizarre church day for me, because of what I did, but then I realized it was just some kind of PTSD from what happened last time I was in a church. I got back on the horse though.

I was invited to this church and I went, and I sat through the singing and there was this woman in front of me in a plaid skirt and I didn't see her face but as I was closing my eyes I started imagining Princess Anne at a service like this (it's more emotional and exuberant) and a corner of my mouth went up and I was smirking on just one side of my mouth, the right side I guess.

Then after shaking hands with some people at the end, I met this woman, with the plaid skirt. Her name was Anne. I said, "Oh how strange, bec..." and she had an accent that was British. She and her husband were from South Africa and I said I couldn't recognize the accent because it was very soft. So it was a little bit different.

But I was looking at her and said, "It is so strange because I was just thinking about Princess Anne for some reason, out of the blue, and then I meet you and you sort of even look a little bit alike (aside from her name also being Anne).

And THEN, just tonight I've gone online and looked up Anne news and found Anne, in a similiar skirt plaid and length.

It was really strange. I tried to imagine, without praying or focusing, what colors she might be wearing today and I probably got it wrong, to think about her, but I got something orange and yellow somewhere. But it probably wasn't her and I didn't focus or pray. But very vivid and cheery orange and bright yellow. I'm sure I must be wrong. That was the only thing that came to mind though and then I just kept singing along.

So we sang and then there were these affirmations which I thought were good. Then it was time for the service. The guy got up and said he was going to speak on "Government of Heaven" (or Governing by Heaven)and from Isaiah (I love that book). I don't know why, but I had a panic moment that it was going to be about something royal or governing, and I left.

I went out to a field that was private, or lawn, and just read the Bible a little, from Isaiah and other things and then went back and greeted some people and asked for the scripture references and everything. I was curious, I just didn't want to miss out so I asked still, what it was about.

When I was leaving the field, some women were walking by talking about angels. Something about how "he didn't know they were angels" (biblical angels, maybe the angels in disguise thing).

Then I felt better after meeting people and shaking hands. And I wrote some things down and had marked some things I read as well.

I'll share it later. I was really wanting to stay up tonight again, but I need to be wide awake tomorrow so I need to check something out. I would like to stay awake all night again but I almost fell asleep in the middle of the day today. I hope it will fine even if I feel humiliated again. I guess God can work anything out for good, I keep trying to think this way.

I will write more later.

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