Sunday, October 17, 2010

Walla Walla Police Harassment

Great. Now I have harassment from the Walla Walla police. It was two grown men, hanging out of their window as they drove by and nodding off with a grin at the woman whose phone I borrowed for a few minutes, who has some kind of crop circle diagram on her phone. It's the only phone I've used and I used it to call about taxi and other travel options.

I really have no need for making or noting further harassment by law enforcement, now in Walla Walla And I don't blame them all, but it was 2 men with brown hair, white, in a blue cop car.

Honestly, I did not get a good vibe from those officers, and i've met truly normal ones, well they passed normally, here. So I wonder what their connection is with this woman now. Because they were basically mocking me and nodding off with a grin to her.

These officers were driving by at the intersection of Main and 1st, past the Coffee Perk.

At any rate, there was much better energy around earlier today. Pretty good overall, until later.

I've been having problems with the laptop again as well, and other things, but only since this afternoon. Never before. Actually, on the way over there was something going on and then for some bizarre reason, it quit right after I correctly guessed this guy I was talking to did Judo. And he wasn't doing anything because his hands were out of pockets and nothing was noticeable. It was bizarre because the only people on that little bus were me, him, this younger woman, and the bus driver. The bus driver wasn't doing anything so it could have only been this young woman wh was in fact very young and very pretty and if it wasn't her, it was something else.

And, by the way, I had a dream about something that is used as a technology weapon but I can't really describe it. It was just a dream too, so it may mean nothing but in the dream all these people, well a few, were showing me what others were using. It was very slim and small and fit in the palm of a hand.

Maybe for just one kind of thing. I think it was a part that fit into something else, or it was maybe stand alone but it seemed too small to be stand alone. It was silver in color, from what I recall, and very small, and thin for some reason, not a really bulky thing.

At any rate, I don't know what it was really. It was very thin and flatish. Maybe some kind of chip? but not that small. Not like the size of a 1/16th part of a fingernail or something, or the size of a tictac, larger than that, more like a quarter size but thinner. It wasn't the plutonium puck. It was totally different and more fragile. It was also not a substance that harmed but a piece of technology which could be used to harm. In my dream, at least 3-4 people had their palms open and were showing me this thing but it was quick and then I woke up and just knew it was some form of part or piece that is used alone or with something, to harm and activate other things. It really doesn't make sense to me because I know nothing about technology, computer stuff, and weapons. Or even military stuff.

I was only trying to find something specific and found this article instead, which I think is excellent:

It is one of the better written and informative articles about non-lethal weapons and mind control research that is currently active and is written in a professional way--without ALL CAPS!!!!! or THE GOVERNMENT IS BLASTING AWAY OUR WHOLE PLANET BIT BY BIT STARTING WITH OUR BRAINS. It reads as a credible piece, and it's incredible and shocking, while still believable. I think this is a better example of using writing with a science edge.

It was written in 2002 which is even more amazing because technology has progressed a lot since then.

Which I would like, someday, to do more of. Science is fascinating and many complex ideas, if communicated in an interesting and clear way, can be understood by many.

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