Monday, October 4, 2010

Fucking Laser Dot on My Computer (asked store clerk)

I just asked the store clerk about this.

I had a fucking red laser dot appear on my keyboard. I have 2 theories for this. But first, I wanted to rule out someone in the store.

So I asked him, "Is there anything above here?" and all it was was tin roof because in the past, when my computer shut off and I blamed it on someone sitting in a car (which could still be true) the ceiling was still put together, so maybe that would disguise a dot. I don't know.

But the ceiling piece is under construction and a part torn off so it went straight up to the metal roof.

If the laser came from the sky, it went through the metal roof somehow, and ended up as a dime size dot on my keyboard right after my laptop shut off by a remote access.

If it wasn't coming from the sky, there is only one other possibility. That there was some way to do this from behind the screen and when my eyes registered the dot and looked down onto the keyboard, it happened so fast that I carried the impression of a dot from the laptop screen to the keyboard, where it appeared.

Like, when you stare at a lightbulb and then you keep blinking and still see that light, even though you looked away.

Either of the two suggest U.S.

Does the United States allow satellites or weapons from other countries to penetrate U.S. airspace? I probably think not.

I also think, that given all the problems I've had with this laptop, if this was that I registered something from behind the screen, this is even more incredible and implicates the U.S.

There was no one sitting in front of me and not even an aisle in front of me when it happened. There was no one on either side.

For a red laser dot to appear as though it were resting on my keyboard, it would only be 1 of the two things. That is it. Either my eyes transfered the registration of this dot or light, onto the keyboard when I looked down, or something was coming directly from the fucking SKY.

Maybe I need to skip right over Obama Barak and go straight to the fucking UN.

What a bunch of B.S. Hillary Clinton is feeding the U.S. in claiming experiments don't happen on non-consenting citizens anymore.

If the U.S. were not doing this, or involved in what has happened with me and my son, they would be fucking INVESTIGATING other countries or doing SOMETHING.

I have a fucking LASER BEAM hitting my fucking laptop, and ME.

But I don't know. Maybe other countries CAN do this. Maybe they have their randomly spaced satellites and do this, but I just think it's very unlikely. How could that get past the U.S.?

I fucking caught you.

I caught you with the fucking red laser dot, just as I caught onto you a little more, holding a metal watch in the palm of my hand.

If someone was behind me, in a car, they couldn't fit the dot to be resting on my keyboard. If someone was standing behind me, they couldn't do this. There was no one to my side but if there was, it would be difficult to manage a dot on the laptop, in approximately the middle of the keyboard. There was no one in front of me.

This was fucking either from the sky or from behind the screen and I believe that this is possible.

This is conjunction with the disappearance of my webcam and all my photos is summed with one word: suspicious.

President Barak, and Ms. Clinton, I want answers. My son wants answers and we want action.

Either people in my own country, have tortured me and my son, or they have knowingly allowed others to do so and refused, repeatedly, to investigate properly.

And if someone were doing this, wouldn't you think, if it were NOT someone in the U.S. or some U.S. group, that the U.S. would want to be hot on the trail of discovery, to find out who is demonstrating the capacity for torturing U.S. citizens?

Or is it really as bad as an Iranian friend wondered aloud, "I never imagined the United States would do this to their own people." I said, "What? no, I don't think...well, you think?" and he was speechless.

SO...DO YOU or do you NOT do this to your OWN FUCKING citizens?

Or just allow others in other countries to have fucking free reign?

By the way, I think the public knows I'm not mentally ill. I think enough people fucking know. I may have issues, but by now, the public is fully aware, worldwide, that I DO have some legitimate psychic abilities and this makes it even more plausible that I and my son have been in danger, and been used and abused and feared to be a threat of some kind.

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