Monday, October 4, 2010

more on pulsed laser (with dot on computer)

Allow me to add, this also happened to me and my son while we were living in East Wenatchee.

One time, my son was burned by something and it was perfectly round and under his diaper where no kid would possibly have a burn. It was the only time there was any kind of "mark" on my son bc even as a toddler, and baby, I protected him. I couldn't relly protect him from things like, well, fucking lasers though, and I took him to the doctor and the Dr. said it was really bizarre but he knew it wasn't from me and he couldn't explain it. It was peeling off like a sunburn. It wasn't a cigarette burn and I didn't smoke. It wasn't from anything in the house or outside and I remembered he cried out now and then and I was changing his diaper and noticed this round dime sized DOT on his upper leg or groin and after a few days it started to peel like a perfect sunburn.

Then, last night, when I was sitting at the computer at Safeway, I saw that red laser dot on my keyboard after it shut off. Here is another guess...

I didn't add that this happened the last time I was at Safeway blogging about something. Not the red dot, but my computer shut off automatically but not in the usual way. Just quit. This time, there was a pulsing on the right side of my head only, before the computer shut off.

My guess is that if someone was attempting to turn off my laptop with a laser of some kind, they did it from behind the screen (have no clue how) and it ended up hitting my left eye which triggered a reaction and then caused me to see the dot when I looked down (more unlikely), or more likely, it was something from the sky that was attempting to hit my off button or computer somehow and pulsed to one side of my head first before doing this.

Before, I felt nothing with my head, but it may have been because there were parts of the ceiling still intact above and it wasn't just a metal barrier between me and my laptop and the sky.

All I know is that there was a pulsing sensation and then all of a sudden my computer shut off, went completely blackscreen and off. I then saw this red dot on my keyboard, about in the middle.

I tried to turn my computer on again and it wouldn't. So I plugged it in and still it wouldn't turn back on. So I took the battery out, and fit it back in while disconnecting the cord, and tried and it turned back on.

Some heinous things have happened to me and my son in this country and we have been blown off, intentionally.

My son was taken from my arms, not because I was a bad mom.

I want my son back and I want this BULLSHIT to stop.

Then I got home and there was a National Geographic program on the U.S.-Russia satellite race and it just made me sick to even watch a minute. I turned it off. I flipped to different things and landed on a lot of different programs, but turned it off.

I would suspect that especially now, if the "war" in Iraq is really declared to be over (is it?) that there is no small loophole which would allow this kind of thing to continue against me and my son. Either a group has used authority and abused it by claiming the end justifies the means, while wishing to intentionally harm me and my son, or the U.S. just doesn't care about what kinds of military and technology tactics, no matter how sophisticated or crude, are used on their own citizens.

It would seem to me that there are some persons within the U.S. government who would have an ulterior motive for wanting to allow this kind of thing to happen against me and my son. I would also guess that it's more than one group, because the outcome and consequences in destruction of my life and my son's life would benefit more than one group.

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