Sunday, October 31, 2010

London Fog & Earl Grey

I have unconsciously, twice, made British drinks for myself, without having read or known or witnessed it done before.

The first time I wondered which person was in my past life, I had just filled up a bottle of rum with more water and then discovered I had done it in the same equations or parts as the British Royal Navy used to do.

Then, not a big deal, but I just looked up Earl Grey tea on wikipedia, wondering what's in it nutrition-wise, because it's always been my favorite tea. My skin looked good this morning and I had cup after cup of Earl Grey tea and then one tea of Orange spice and one of Lipton. So I looked up Earl Grey and found out I was making myself "London Fog" drinks.

Which is, steamed milk, Earl Grey tea, and vanilla.

I usually like milk or cream with Earl Grey, rather than lemon, but last night, instead of just adding milk or cream, I was adding a lot of Vanilla creamers and it was my new favorite (for a change, but I still like it the straight way).

I read sometimes jasmine is infused and I can imagine this is very good. Especially with vanilla too. Earl Grey, vanilla, and jasmine.

It looks like it maybe originated in Canada though? according to one source, though I am sure that if Earl Grey was first in England, someone there must have tried adding vanilla at some point, long ago. There's nothing new under the sun.
I looked up Feist.

I really like Feist. I heard her this morning when I finally got out of bed and it was the song "I Feel It All" and I loved it so looked it up and played and replayed over and over. I also like the fact that she is so incredibly talented but is not cookie-cutter. She isn't even pop-tart cute, but attractive in a different way, and owns it, and she can move. She isn't really doing choreography or dance numbers in her videos but her movements are natural and catchy and seem spontaneous--her body is a rhythm instrument in its own right, in a way, adding punctuation to the idea. !!!!!!!!

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