Sunday, October 31, 2010

Technology Stuff & Civil War Preparedness

I am concerned about my son because I know that for me, no matter which computer I've been in front of, I've had something affecting me when I am stationed by a computer. It isn't happening anywhere else, so now I am literally wondering if it is satellite because how else could something tap in? the only thing is that people around here usually say things or do things to indicate they know something might be going on so then I assume it is only someone nearby with proximity to the machine. I guess, until the night I saw a laser dot on the keyboard of my laptop. So that was most likely coming from the sky right?

I prayed tonight, that whoever is using this technology would have a Saul-Paul kind of conversion and that these people would begin a demolition derby of all machinery, equipment, and technology, military or whatever, to destroy everything that others are using to torture me and possibly others as well.

It is serious enough, at this point, that I believe if this continues, it is grounds for war. Civil war or other kind of war.

This kind of thing cannot happen or occur on American soil, to American citizens, by other Americans or any other foreign person. Those who abuse the gift of technology should and must be destroyed by the weapons they themselves use.

If this means a major satellite that is extremely expensive, is shot down and blasted out of the sky, let's try that, to send a good message, for starters. If someone working on it, just happens to accidentally create an explosion so terrible as to completely destroy and demolish some of the most expensive equipment that the U.S. or another country (if it is another country) possesses, I think now is the time.

I have a right to defend myself and defend my son. I do not have access to those who are abuses technology and who are torturers. I DO know that some others DO have intelligence on what is happening, and they have a moral responsibility to take this power out of the hands of the corrupt and completely destroy what is there.

Whether it is small pieces, in the hands of many, or larger pieces, all of this must be rounded up and destroyed, and those who are engaging in this kind of illegal warfare, should be prepared to themselves be destroyed by the same weapons and means they use to harm others.

This doesn't mean I am going to do anything or that I CAN do anything. But I can certaintly alert others to take pause and decide whose side you are on, and if you are on God's side, you will be ready to use the information you have, to do society and the world a favor, and take care of those who will not listen to repeated calls for peace and for cessation.

If those in intel know this is coming from many individuals, in small ways, these people need to get the message on individual levels. If some technology is used that is out of reach to most and very expensive, whoever knows about it, has a responsiblity to begin making plans to destroy this technology, regardless of cost.

I am sorry, but no U.S. citizen should go through what I and my son have been through. I have said "enough" and that is exactly what I mean.

As for military connected persons repeatedly stealing from me, do I report this to local police or to your fucking court marshall?

On one hand, I try to distract myself and think about other things and life in general, and things I should be able to focus on--music, art, college, my son, child development, cooking, normal things.

It's a little bit difficult, however, when I'm intermittently stalked and continue to be tortured and know this must still be happening to my son and he can't even speak up for himself and no one else will either.

If the U.S. is allowing torture of its citizens, and this many people go along with it, this is grounds and justification for war. It is also justification for invasion by other countries. If it's not U.S. citizens who are responsible, the U.S. Department of Defense should be paying me a visit and explaining to me what is going on, and why they aren't investigating.

The kidnapping and virtual hostage situation of me and my son is also grounds for war. Does this mean I am starting a militia? no. Have I ever harmed a person in my life? no. And I haven't ever harmed any animal or fish even. I am a compassionate and forgiving person.

However, I have some "rights" and my son has "rights" that are guaranteed by law, and if this country is not defending and supporting my rights, which at the most basic level include the right to be free from torture and virtual bondage and the subjects of experimentation and research and harassment, we, along with others who feel similiarly who may not be as vocal as I am, have the right to take arms or any means necessary, to defend ourselves.

My means of defense, is writing. And I am now encouraging others who have access to resources and technology, to begin a major demolition of these things.

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