Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Machinery Malfunctions (again)

This just doesn't end.

Not only have there been more mis-transfers on telephones I've used, to numbers I have not dialed, when I have witnesses sitting right there, I have been having problems with elevators lately.

Working for everyone and then not for working for me. Which has nothnig to do with me.

This has been the latest thing I've noticed, is that I will try to get on an elevator, and it won't go to the floor I want and I'm forced to take a different floor. I am not kidding.

How this is possible, I have no idea. But it has happened a lot, and if someone can take control over airplane controls, remotely and from a distance, I'm sure all the other things are possible too. The question is, WHY do this at all?

If there are bets riding over where I go or what direction I take, if it involves military or anything else, I suppose, it would make sense. But this has happened several times in this town of Spokane.

Unique to Spokane.

Never happened in Wenatchee, or Walla Walla, or Bonner's, or Seattle even (not when I've been there). It's only occured in Spokane.

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