Monday, October 25, 2010

Harassment in Spokane Again

I am getting so much harassment it's unbelievable. I feel that yes, there is SOMEONE who is good here, or a few people, but tonight, all of these people came out and just harassed me.

I have people doing some really shitty things.

I have gone ahead and given a few what they wanted, just to show I already know what's going on, but I think someone thinks that I am just stumbling across things and have no knowledge.

I have people saying I'm going to jail, and approaching me about jail all day. All that I have done is try to get out of here and back to Wenatchee but then I couldn't get ahold of my lawyer and had to talk to him today.

I know that I cannot stay in Spokane. This is where Gonzaga is, and there are too many people who run this town who think they can run me too. It's really crazy. Then, a few have had contacts with people they should NOT be contacting, and it's in context with Theo, who lied and said he was in Wenatchee. Some of the different Wenatchee persons came over here and then tried to plot out things, once again, to have it appear as though I were walking into something. They won't leave me alone. I can't even go to a store without some kind of dramatic enactment being played out.

A few have been normal or okay, I think, here. I ran into some decent people at least.

But there isn't anything for me here. A lot of it is being run, behind the scenes, by military. Most of it. It's made to look like fun and games, or just something extra-curricular, but it has heavy military involvement and oversight.

I don't think everyone involved is military, and actually, there are some nice military who are trying to work some thing out for me I think, but this isn't good.
I see a lot of people who looked happy and they were okay with me, but if this is so great, why am I walking alone on the street, without my son, and with no one intervening in this situation and just allowing me to be used?

For the supporters, who are so happy that their guy or woman was helped by me, to achieve their target, my son and I are getting NOTHING out of it. NOTHING.

I was told, not to go across the river. That the 'best area' was downtown here. But when I was leaving for my visit I had someone tell me which side to sit on, because, she said, the people that cared about me were over there. I have no idea who that is but I said okay.

It wasn't the side up on the hill.

It was the side facing the city and towards the same area where I was told is not as good. I thought about going that way, until car after carpool went past, that same direction and I thought, if they're all going that way, not me.

Some others were going towards the hills and they seemed like the better.

I had a guy driving back and forth, in Bonner's, yesterday, with music loud and a heartbeat sound pumping over and over. I thought it was very disturbing, with the whole heartbeat theme, and that had been after a few were pretending I was Princess Diana. I kept running across people who were wanting me to notice their one earring or loose earring falling out. I guess the Diana treatment was after I noticed the stickers on the other side of the car. The SUV that kept driving by, stopped to offer me a ride and then when I wrote down the plates, right after that, my laptop crashed.
People joke around about this stuff, all the way to Chelsy Davies, and meanwhile, my son, whom Chelsy should meet herself, in person, is suffering. While Chelsey mocks and jokes about things, thinking it is just feeding a social animal, she doesn't think even once, about the children who are affected by the same people who encourage this kind of thing. Who don't care that kids are being used and abused to effect the goals of adults.

While Chelsey envisions inflatable rafts in her olympic pool with a piece of pizza in one hand and a beer in the other, I have psychic insights into what is happening to my child, who is 4 years old.

I am sure that Chelsey has never been forced to drink like a dog out of a dog bowl. I'm sure she's never been targeted as a potential "indigo child" or used for the intention of breaking and splitting the personality in order to make a soldier out of my baby. I'm sure she has never suffered from attachment disorder, even if she suffers from sporadic bouts of alcoholism. Pardon, that was wrong and potentially defamatory...what "appears", at times, to be close to alcoholism.

I actually don't have anything against her, but just ended up using her as a recent example and nothing more. While I'm making cards for my son, and praying for him, and giving him signs and making dinners for him in "o"s so it's fun for him, she is making jokes and trying to learn how to do the Chinese splits.

I will erase this. I'm venting and it's unnecessary. Even when I've thought, in the past, I was made fun of, I kept my mouth shut. Which is a good policy, but I don't suppose I have to be a doormat either and neither does my son. I really have usually thought better things about her anyway, so I am just going to delete this in a bit.
I told this man today, "I think you know I'm a little bit psychic so pass the word on to the military that I want someone to influence the return of my son." Then, I did more things which proves this, just today. I had dinner with a man and went to the restroom and got several psychic impressions. I had a bad feeling in a way. So I prayed and it was still there, but I kept praying.

I saw my son, in the middle of it, being forced to drink or eat from a dog dish (not my aunt and uncle so maybe kids). I also saw some Valentine's candy hearts and someone turning one upside down. Another impression of a woman kneeling, with one arm up and a bracelet maybe, and then later, maybe with a ball of some kind. Then, I specifically asked for something hidden about this man who I was eating with (who seemed nice enough in general) and I got "pocketknife" and that it was a small one. So I said to him, upon my return from the bathroom, "So, can I see your knife?" He said, "Yeah, sure." He showed it to me and it was very small. It was when I was praying for something about him in particular, I began to feel a connection...that God was going to maybe show me something and I got "knife" and then "pocketknife". It was very small. The smallest compact kind of knife I'd seen. Well, sort of Swiss army knife size. He was shocked I got something about the other stuff.

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