Monday, October 25, 2010

Bad or Sad Energy & Destruction of My Laptop

There is not a good feeling today or last night.

I am worried about my son. I've been passed by about 12 different officers and border patrol at least 30 times since I've been in Bonner's Ferry and stopped three times. That's within 24 hours when 12 of those hours were sleeping.

I didn't feel they were genuinely friendly either. I felt mocked and stalked. I have met officers in other areas who seem fine, but things here have been planned and set up for some time.

There is no way I could live here because I would fail.

The only time I was able to get ahead was when I did something unexpected, and went far enough away that it took time for the bad ones to assemble their people against me again.

Going to Bonner's was completely expected, and I knew this, but I didn't think anyone would go to such lengths to make the whole trip one Clockwork Orange nightmare. I think some of it was using me and trying to prove things to others, and another part of it was trying to freak me out. Which didn't work, and I didn't break down crying or get worried or lose it. The only time I cried, in this trip, was when "Debbie" blocked me from leaving Walla Walla when I had a good ticket and then she refused to even sell me a new one. That was after not getting any sleep for 3 days or 4, and then having people misdirect me and having her get in my way, intentionally. Otherwise, I have not cried at all. I'm sure something that someone gave me to eat or drink, which made me sick and made my hair fall out, had something to do with it. I have a very depressed feeling--I know something isn't okay.

What it helped me to see, was that while others wanted this to be a grand finale, I saw how desperate they are, and how afraid of me.

I have court today and I was trying to make this trip and get back in time and others have intentionally blocked me from traveling freely. I find this to be completely out of the realm of normalcy.

It's wrong, and it's happened more than once in this trip because certain assholes wanted to make sure I hit their "marks" that were set up ahead of time, before leaving. They had their games and wanted me to go certain places, and wanted to prove their predictions right, so instead of allowing me to do what I was trying to do, they intentionally blocked me from getting out while I was ahead.

It was purposeful, intentional, and wrong. It distrubed and obstructed my freedom of movement and travel, and for the selfish purposes of others.

And I don't care WHO shows up to get gas at the stupid Zips station. I'm supposed to feel awed and amazed?

I'll feel awed and amazed when my son is returned to me and this bad business comes to an end.

I had someone destroy my laptop last night, on purpose. After all these problems with my laptop and then all of a sudden someone decided to just eliminate a major file so it's inoperable. I can't use it at all and it says I have to reinstall a CD when no CD even came with this laptop. It was a stand alone and doesn't have a CD drive.

So someone just decided they wanted to block me from documenting things, and did this. I also had someone steal my cell phone so that I couldn't even make an emergency call, if needed, on a cell. Which is dangerous or leaves me vulnerable.
I deserve to have everything restored and returned to me, and compensation on top of it. I lost a car, most of my clothing, my son, my money, work that I'd already been hired for and was to start training on, unemployment, and all because of corporate criminals who took my son and stole my car and kept me from being able to get it back myself.

I think these people who have done all these things are horrible.

If anyone thinks I'm going to Wenatchee to sit on my ass and take welfare and be trapped forever, they're wrong.

There are 2 things for me in Washington: "healing rooms" and women's shelters.

There is nothing for me in the Pac NW becasue too many people know eachother and obstruct my movement.

But I am getting my son back.

And this little trip through the House of Horrors is the last time anyone plays a game of that magnitude on me or my family.

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