Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bonner's Ferry Police

Here is what they did while I was over here...

They had some woman come out, wearing sapphire type earrings and little diamonds and in a K-9 SUV car. Her name was Murray. That's what was on her tag at least.

Then, well, read last post. I also wrote down other stuff she said.

She then called into her phone: "Code 4"
Then something about 69 clr or something. Then she said she didn't have my I.D. so she called into her CB, "Check 65." Then my name read out, Charles, Adam, Mary, Edward, Ocean, Lincoln,...

She then said, "65 Copy".

She said "You're free to leave."

She first said, "We have a vehicle that's not owned (registered) and we'd like to get it back to you--if it's not yours we'll give it back."

I wrote down her plates: BFPK9 (Idaho) and before this she'd said I had stickers on my sleeve. I said, "So why do you have a K-9 car?" and she then asked questions and then I wrote down her plates. I then went to the side and wrote down the side sticker number: BCSP #10. I went to the back and she said, "It's the same." She was facing North and I started walking North (if the weathervane I saw was right), back to the freeway and her car was pointed North (might check on this) and I walked away with my back to her and then did an abrupt about-face and turned back to the left side. She looked shocked to death. I walked right to the left side and she drove and I got the other sticker number, which wasn't the same. It was BCSP (or R? my writing is sloppy) and with the number #101. 101, not 10.

Then a couple of cars drove by and all looking extremely shocked to death.

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