Sunday, October 24, 2010

Prosecution Refuses Continuance

I told my lawyer what's going on, and he KNOWS what has been going on, along with the Prosecution there, and said that even though I have had people steal from me and BLOCK me from even leaving towns on time, the Prosecution refuses to give me a continuance.

I asked to have the agreement sent to me but he says it's waiting at his office. I can't get over there and won't be able to, in time, because of "Debbie" and other bus persons and others in general, who have ripped me off and barricaded me from even getting out of towns at all. That has wasted my time.

I've had 6 days of no sleep, out of 8 or so days when this was supposed to be a trip that only took 4 days max. I had my ticket purchased to spend only ONE day in Walla Walla, NOT FOUR days where I had to go through my money. And the same thing with Spokane and having someone literally steal from me, again, there.

I went to Bonner's because I have family here but I can't even find her because I'm getting misdirected by some people here. I am not sure if I maybe got something wrong, because this woman told me she knew her but I went there and don't see anything that looks like her place at all.

I have people from churches, even, doing weird stuff. It's not very encouraging. I can at least say some of the normal people here are okay. But others have been around, a LOT of others, and then it's been some who were here ahead of me too.

I seriously don't know why some of them, like men, want to look at me and smirk. Why? because they feel like they beat me arm wrestling?

My lawyer said he'll ask for a continuance so I can look at the agreement.

Why would they NOT give me a continuance when they pushed my trial date back anyway? I told my lawyer I didn't want to do this and wanted to file something to get it back.

If the Prosecution was being honest, and set back those dates, no big deal, they wouldn't be telling my lawyer that they refuse to give me a Continuance so I can even read their stipulated agreement right now.

There is something really messed up about that.

What it does, is PROVE that Seattle got their lawyer in and they all wanted to buy time so they could screw me and my son over better.

They wouldn't be refusing a reasonable continuance, under these circumstances, unless they were trying to bribe me with one idea, in order to buy time for themselves to get what they want.

What they want, is me in jail for not being able to show up, which I don't think is likely, when my lawyer can at least attest I wasn't on the "run" and was trying to get back in time and was blocked by people, through no fault of my own.

I don't think a warrant is likely, unless some are trying to really show people how corrupt they are.

I think it's very strange, if this new Prosecutor is trying to refuse a Continuance, under these kinds of circumstances, when I have specifically stated I would like to accept this deal and not have further problems.

That is what the State and what the Judge also said. So now they are backing down on this and the only reason would be because they were dishonest from the very beginning and intentionally wanted to buy time for themselves when I had the right to a speedy trial and told my lawyer I had felt pressured into signing away those rights. I was asked to do it on the spot and later reconsidered and told, emailed my lawyer about this.

Now, they are refusing a continuance?

When supposedly the City and State just wants to have this matter resolved and when I've done what I can to accomodate them?

If I am arrested and jailed (as I was) for something that never should have happened to begin with, this means I have a major civil suit and a lot of dirt to bring out.

It also proves my theory that Seattle is trying to run this show because they already know they are in huge trouble for what they've already done.

It was the Prosecutor that was asking for the Continuance, not me. I told them I would sign the agreement that very day. I had told my lawyer this too, the day before, in his offices. I said, "Where is it? I'll sign it right now" and he didn't want me to.

He said, "Let's wait until we get one from the Prosecution and they can bring it to court." I said I'd just sign the one HE had because he said it made no difference.

I didn't want to sign my right to speedy trial away either. But now I am thinking I am right. If they really didn't want problems at all, they wouldn't be telling me to sign my rights away and try to keep my son from me, and do all of this bullshit.

They wouldn't say they can't grant a continuance, under these circumstances. They just wouldn't.

So I think, since I got stuck and it wasn't even my fault, that if they are truly not corrupt, and weren't acting covertly, through even MORE collusion, in trying to have me sign away rights, that they will grant a continuance so I can at least read it and sign the thing.

I told my lawyer, and I have proof, through email, that I was willing to sign the agreement, weeks ago. THEY were the ones who made me wait.

It wasn't just my own lawyer who made me wait. It was his buddy with the Prosecution and winks and nods with the Judge.

They all wanted me to wait.

So tell me, was I right? or was I right?

If they were wanting to screw me over, ALL of them, then they wouldn't be doing this to me now.

I have to file a lot of things by tomorrow, or fax it over to be filed, and I have no way of doing it through my lawyer in the normal manner. Basically, I have to fax and email the court myself.

And I have no way of doing that, with what's happened.

I think they want to try to put out a warrant and have me arrested and unable to even bail myself out.

If they do THAT, after what I've been through already, and this harassment, I swear to God, there will be NO END to the problems which will then ensue.

My son is being set up and used, to have the same horrible things that have happened to me, happen to him in his life. My son is abused by the U.S. and will continue to be abused and they will do to him, all of his life, what others have shown they will do to me.

I know for a fact that I got something very bad in Spokane. Again. I had the bad stomach ache and knew. I knew that someone gave me something bad. I have not even had my period this month, when I have it like normal, every month when I eat my own food and don't take anything from others. I haven't had a period because someone gave me something bad that has also made my hair fall out in clumps in the last few days. I was also given something when I was in Walla Walla and the sad part is that I suspect the people may have known me.

I know for a fact that I was given something very bad, and more than once during my trip. It was intentional. And I know at the Shari's I was already there with a stomach ache and then tasted something that was bitter.

Given the fact this has caused my hair to fall out, to this degree, and has stopped my period completely, which has never happened, and my hair falling out...the hair thing is not typical and in the last 2 days, it's come out in huge clumps.

The hair falling out has been 2 days worth. Today and yesterday were the first days. Before that, I didn't have hair falling out at all. I was using the same comb too.

I WAS given some bad food and/or drink.

This guy just came in and told me to read something from the Baptist church and I think his kid is adopted. Of course, I can't say that when his kid is standing right there. If his mother looks really different, maybe it's his kid but I would say strong chance of adoption. I at least didn't get the impression it was really his kid but I don't know why.

I have all these people coming in to do really weird things. This whole area was set up ahead of time.

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