Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Notice Of Certified Complaint

I am sending this email on the night before I will be mailing, by U.S. post, copies of my complaints of criminal activity and abuse by certain U.S. or State government employees. I have submitted a preliminary email to the offices of President Barak Obama. I am submitting complaints to the OPR as well, and OIG and AG offices.

I am requesting an impartial and independent investigation into criminal conduct which was coordinated and planned with some cooperation with Canadian officials.

I am also requesting investigation into retaliation and Anti-SLAPP, as well as discrimination which has forced me out of housing, employment, and any normal state of affairs, to keep me from being in a position of strength while making my complaint. I have been forced out of housing and work, and falsely arrested in order to acheive these means, over 3 times in this State of Washington. I have also been forced to accept GAU (General Assistance) for migraine disability while this is also used to attempt to portray me as mentally disabled.

Because of the gross failure, to date, of government officials, to hold proper persons accountable and self-manage, I would ask for an investigation to be conducted by people who are have no conflicts of interest. This would mean, non-involvement with U.S. military or having no affiliation with military; having no affiliation with Catholic or Jewish religion (as several who are members in these groups have had a special interest in obstructing justice and concealing crime--not all, but a few who may be connected to persons who wished to retaliate for past reports that I have made which resulted in my filing lawsuits against the Catholic church and a newspaper with a Jewish editor, and the IRS for tax evasion), and having no special interest or relation to any of the parties involved.

I have a criminal complaint which involves kidnapping, obstruction of justice, and intimidation of a key witness--all elements of RICO, and involving local, state, and federal law enforcement, a couple of local lawyers and Judges, and the State of Washington, including and not limited to the AG offices, DSHS, and Washington State Unemployment services.

I believe the involvement by the AG should go to the OPR or OIG. I also believe that refusal to honor past FOIA requests which I made years ago, after filing a complaint of misconduct regarding FBI employees, should go to the OIG. Possibly, an investigation involving medical professionals could go to an ethics committee but I wouldn't know which one. Finally, the international "incident" of premeditated collusion to falsely arrest me and kidnap my son, between Washington State employees and British Columbia employees, should go to the President, and to Eric Holder.

As The Department of Justice has had some conflict of interest, or special interest in my case, if I am misdirected on where to send my complaint, please advise.

Additonally, until I know which group will be investigating criminal conduct, I will not be giving out many specific details until I am assured of confidentiality, safety for myself and my son, and know that I am making the report to the proper persons.

This is my attempt to secure accountability prior to making a human rights complaint with the UN. As this involves a child, my son, who was illegally kidnapped and has been held hostage under auspices of legality, for over 2 1/2 years, I am requesting immediate action so his rights are not prejudiced by delay. Should there be no response after I have mailed the complaints by certified mail, I will proceed with taking my case to the UN. I would like to have an investigation initiated by the U.S. offices within 30 days of the post date for the certified mailing of the complaints.

Thank You,

Cameo L. Garrett

General Delivery Wenatchee Post Office

Wenatchee, Washington 98801

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