Thursday, October 28, 2010

Complaint To Office of Professional Responsibility

October 27, 2010
Cameo L. Garrett
General Delivery Wenatchee Post
Wenatchee, Washington 98801

Mary Patrice Brown (Acting Counsel)
Office of Professional Responsibility
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Ste 3266
Washington D.C., 20530

Dear Ms. Brown,

I am writing to make a report of criminal misconduct by U.S. Attorneys Tomas Caballero and Mary McIntosh. My complaint includes involvement with Washington State AGs who supervised their role in the illegal kidnapping of my son and subsequent separation from his mother. This crime occurred in 2007 and the discovery of related crime was discovered in approximately August 2010.
These attorneys acted outside the scope of their duties by perjuring themselves and defaming me in order to convince Canadian authorities to cooperate with them in a scheme of entrapment and false arrest to take a child from his mother with zero evidence of harm to the child by the mother, and complete and entire lack of jurisdiction.
I was harassed and falsely arrested (arrests which were dismissed), stalked, and property vandalized, and even raped, in Wenatchee, and received no assistance from local authorities. Evidence for the rape never even went to the lab and photos of my genitalia were “lost” for some time. My car was constantly broken into and I was followed around on a constant basis. Police told me to “move” more than once. My son and I were damaged in childbirth and local medical officials attempted to cover this up and harassment increased, resulting in false reports from these professionals, that I was a bad mother. I had sought help from medical malpractice law firms in Seattle when the allegations that I was a bad mother and should not have guardianship began. Guardianship of my son is essential to being able to sue on his behalf for his damages.
Each complaint was ruled unfounded, which means there was zero evidence. Not one complaint alleged abuse or ill health or negligence, and only focused on the idea that I was “possibly mentally ill” and therefore , “possibly” a risk to my son. There was no evidence to support these allegations and mental health professionals I saw cleared me of being any kind of risk to my son at all. At the same time, I was filing human rights complaints with regard to mistreatment when I had made multiple requests for FOIA records to discover what may have been said about me which was affecting my treatment by local authorities. I made a complaint of misconduct by 2 federal employees and felt it was possible that something was then added to a file, about me, which affected my treatment.
I finally left for Canada because of the increasing harassment and other serious health issues I and my son began to experience, which medical professionals in Washington did nothing about. I also believe the gang or corporate gang violence had escalated enough to put the lives of me and my son at risk.
I went to Canada and immediately scheduled my son for appointments, to begin receiving proper care. I entered legally, with proper documents for both my son and I. I was the sole guardian and Washington State knew there was no paternal interest. This was already cleared up. I also asked the State, prior to leaving, if it was okay to leave and they said yes, as long as there was no Protective Order filed against me, I had the legal right to take my child anywhere I wished.
I left. As soon as I did leave, the State of Washington began defaming me to Canada. Certain Canadian officials then colluded, and as I have recently discovered, pre-meditated entrapping me into a false arrest in order to take my child. This involved cooperation and instruction by U.S. Attorneys who helped draft the materials and engage in negotiations with Canada. I did not discover this fact until a few months ago. I knew I had been falsely arrested but I was unaware of the motive or of the premeditation involved until recently when a state worker admitted both sides had to “wait” to line things up against me before they could access my son.
My son was traumatized to the point of losing 7 lbs in the first month of his removal. He has had nightmares and flashbacks to this day and is no longer the happy and spontaneous little boy he was, and demonstrates some problems with attachment disorder as well.
I discovered recently that the AG and Canadian officials had to create a scenario in order to make it appear they were legally taking my child. There was no warrant for my arrest and no grounds for extradition. The only way they could take him was through an arrest, so they set this up and I am able to prove it was set up. I need only to be connected to the right investigative agents and I will be able to give more details in confidentiality.
After this was done, the motive was to conceal evidence and discovery from me, about what happened. I was given public defenders who supported and defended the State and who concealed evidence and discovery from me. I was also refused legal counsel for over 1 ½ years, even though I requested counsel for dependency and termination proceedings in writing. I did not realize what they were hiding, even if I knew what was happening was wrong. I didn’t realize that they would have been aware what they did was highly illegal and that it was essential for them to keep control of this case and build their case and justification against me after they had committed crime. There was no national, state, or international law to support their actions or jurisdiction.
As a result, my own lawyers, when I had them, concealed evidence from me. I have not been allowed to view or see important medical information about me which was entered surrepticiously, or my son, nor was I able to see visitation notes which were defamatory and false and made me sound mentally ill. I was also blocked from audio recording the only form of objective evidence which could be made, of actual content of my visits with my son.
The State of Washington offered to dismiss this case within 2 months of taking my child. However, after they carefully screened how much I was aware of what they’d done, instead of backing down to risk a lawsuit, they engaged in a cover up and crusade to defame me to justify their actions and discredit me in the event that I should make a report.
The Offices of the Washington AG engaged in kidnapping, obstruction of justice, and intimidation of a key witness. They also engaged in Anti-SLAPP behavior by telling me not to blog and that my discussion of their wrong doing would be used against me. I had one State worker, Michelle Erickson, the primary social worker on this case, tell me she would make sure I was medicated and defamed because I had written a poem she assumed was about her, calling her (she thought) “Blowjob Michelle.”
I asked for a transfer of the case to another county and my request was refused. Those involved wanted to keep everything tightly controlled in order to protect each other.
I have grounds for a civil case, however, what is most important, is that I have evidence to support a criminal case.
Because the obstruction to seeing his mother has harmed my son and because of the importance of rectifying this matter, with regard to his tender age of 4 years old, I request immediate action and investigation. Once I am connected to the right investigative agents, I will be able to furnish this agency with more details. Please see the general email I submitted to the Department of Justice for clarification as to finding persons without special interests or conflict of interest, to investigate.
Thank You,

Cameo L. Garrett October 27, 2010
(I omitted a couple of things because this is prelim)

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