Thursday, October 28, 2010

OIG Page Hidden Until Tonight

I find this latest thing very strange.

I have tried, with my laptop, over the last couple of years (before that, a different laptop) to locate the website for the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) and it was never coming up.

No matter what I typed in, my search would pull up every single OIG department and office there was, except for the right page, for the one regarding civil rights.

And then finally, I got Glenn Fine's page. After ALL of this.

Someone who has been monitoring my computer or maybe a lot of people, have been HIDING this website from me on purpose. Which makes me think that Mr. Fine's offices are the place to go maybe.

So I am sending off a lot of letters tomorrow, all certified mail. I sent things out by email to be sure these things are being received and once I have the right people, I will give more details in confidence.

I know that a criminal investigation should commence and I am hoping that an investigation will make it very clear that my son is to be returned to me without delay.


  1. What I find extremely interesting is your laptop was "destroyed" according to a blog on Monday and by Wednesdeay it's up and running. You must know how to fix computers fast or your computer wasn't "destroyed."

  2. You need your own little pen.

    I used someone else's computer.
