Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peeping Toms Of Wenatchee

This has become absolutely absurd. I cannot even shop for a pair of underwear without tons of people watching what I do, reporting it, and disseminating the news all over town. And not only that, even this became some kind of a stupid bet and assumptions made on why I chose what I did.

I went over, and there was a good vibe. I got out and went back to my side of town and the vibe was not good anymore.

Not only that, someone had put a thread inside of the fucking pair of underwear I had bought. It was on purpose because the underwear (since everyone obviously already knows) was black and someone put their paw inside of the liner and inserted a little green-blue thread.

Getting a fast pair of underwear turned into some kind of town highlight. I walked out of the store and all these people either wearing black or driving black cars all grouped up and went past, and yes, it was that noticeable.

There is only one place in town to buy new discounted underwear so obviously I would go there and it seems everyone already knows my bra color because everything else that I owned to my name was STOLEN by Wenatchee Fuckers. So I guess someone who already knew what I bought in the past, decided to go with my habits of low-maintenance wear that would just be simple and I chose what I have had in the past even though I didn't care for the lace. However, there was hardly anything else to choose from that would just be simple and cheap and they were the cheapest so I went according to inflow.

It was a whole rack of gaudy underwear in bad color combinations and a few pairs that were better but cost a little more and all I wanted was a good pair of disposables because, I've found, when you have a whole town checking out what underwear you are buying (and outside of town too), maybe having underwear that will flush easily is the best thing, unless you can burn them, to prevent someone digging them out of the trash.

It seems pointless to have more than 1 or two prs of underwear at a time anyway, when you have people stealing your underwear from you on a regular basis.

This seriously makes me feel like just buying material and sewing my own fucking underwear so it's not a big shopping peep show.

And then, what's worse, is just the fact that everyone tries to make something of it. As if it even means anything at all.

Who the hell CARES what kind of underwear I buy? And who would make judgment calls on what it means or what I'm "saying" with it, when I am totally BROKE and cannot even afford to buy according to what I might really buy, if I didn't have people stealing every single thing that I own from me, and then nodding and smiling and acting as though they are in approval of my fucking underwear purchase? (or not)

Now I understand why people who are watched all the time, have to buy their underwear through personal assistants, or after hours, or through mail order.

I guess what it comes down to, is that since people feel threatened by the fact that I can "see" their underwear even when they're wearing it and it's hidden, they feel that they need to know what I'm wearing or make educated guesses (based on my income) about what I might buy.

I think it's so gross that someone put a thread in the underwear, which was the only pair that actually matched my bra so it wasn't psychic by any means, I am throwing them away and just making my own.

I have to figure out my own debugging and virus protection for my computer (which I did) and I now have to design and sew my own underwear.

I saw what someone thought they had assumed the other day because I looked at underwear and then left and someone had 2 thongs sitting out and all these people staring at me and I knew, intuitively, that someone had assumed I was either going to buy a pair of underwear that was like a thong or, something to do with that. I knew it the other day and I felt very satisfied with the fact that someone didn't get it right.

Even though I bought something today, you still didn't get something right because you don't know what I did with any of the underwear regardless.

This is your last warning: if I were you I would quit making bets because the wall is going up and you were getting a lot more misses and it will be getting worse for you.

Don't put any of your money on making assumptions about me anymore. And if you do, and you want to waste your time that way, it is at your own risk and time expense.

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