Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This Morning (mark on wrist)

I have no idea how I got this mark that appeared on the inside of my wrist. It must be from a burn but I don't remember burning myself, though I've done a lot of cooking lately.

It's getting darker. I thought today, "It looks like a stigmata." I remember when I fist noticed it I thought how in the world, because it's right on the inside of one wrist, on my left hand.

Now, if I end up getting a stigmata, after all the misunderstandings people have had with me...I say that's JUST ABOUT ENOUGH GOD! (just kidding).

When I cook, I don't touch the stove with the inside of my wrist. So I thought maybe it was an oil spatter but I didn't ever remember a burn bc I would go to the sink to wash it off.

I woke up one morning with it and examined it for an injection site, bc I thought, did someone try something while I was asleep? No one would, but I didn't know why it was there. Then I thought maybe it was from a laser thing again, but it's not perfectly round. It's not peeling but the skin seems a little bit rougher there. It just keeps getting darker.

So then blogger ads pops something up about cancer, but it's not a cancer spot and it's not an age spot. (not that old!) It looks like a bruise and it's right over a vein. It's purplish-red. I wonder if Vladimir was trying to match his tie to it. His tie today (or for his yesterday) was about the same color. Anyway. I think I possibly ran a hot pan against for some reason. Or maybe an oil splatter.
Last night I did a ton of cooking and put some things together.

I wrote down that at 8;10 P.M. (my time) I thought Vladimir Putin thought about me. Either it was him or the other Vladdie. Weird decoy. How I decided was that he came to MY mind out of the blue and it was one of those times where you learn to recognize sometimes you think independently and other times someone will come to mind bc they are thinking of you or talking about you. It was one of those things. It wasn't like he called up and I said, "hey! I was just thinking about you!" bc I can't check it, but I felt I just knew.

I also think I got other small little personal details about him and what he did that day, but I really don't know. Something about soup, and someone who wore footsie pajamas and small insignificants that can't be confirmed even.

I thought about how I wrote about the dark haired woman and then thought, "Oh no, that was prompted bc of the media gossip." It was my mistake bc later n one confirmed. So I have learned how sometimes certain "leaks" are maybe used to even prompt concessions of knowledge or belief (wrong or right). Or to get a reaction from somewhere. It may not have been wrong, but without more solid confirmation I wish I hadn't said anything at all bc it was my intention to keep it private unless it became public.
Last night I blared journey and then Fleetwood Mac and burned incense (nag champa) and cooked with organic ingredients.

I made basmati rice with onions finely diced, curry and saffron (I found real saffron at a store in town) and overcooked it by mistake (the rice) and then fried chicken. Fried chicken, if it's organic and using organic oils, is very nutritious for kids. Some fats are friends. I made custard with cream, whole milk, vanilla bean (the whole bean), and egg yolks. I made stir fry with an organic amino acids soy sauce and rice with organic sesame seeds. I cut up organic mango and strawberries. And organic avocado and tomato. And I flaked salmon. Just did a lot of prep for foods so it was done ahead of time.

Later I'll make a chicken soup with organic chicken.

I also bought good soup bones from organic cattle (just the bones) and will make a soup with these later, which will make for a good beef broth.

After I get my mom's recipe, I'm going to make bread and send it to some relatives.

I accidentally broke a really cute little bee honeyjar. I had it on the table and used it to support incense sticks (there was no honey in it) and I moved my hand or something on the table and it fell off, which I was disappointed about bc it was so cute. The lid and the honey ladle didn't break. Of all the things to break, I don't care about a clear glass or anything, but I was sad this one broke.

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