Thursday, October 21, 2010

Someone Interfering With My Passwords & Federal

I just tried to make a post about someone changing my password on me. I wrote several paragraphs and published what happened and then someone deleted everything I wrote and had it published 2 times with another time coming up as a draft.

So someone just now has been working on my blog and editing over it. Also, someone changed the password to my email account and I tried several times to access it and I was told the password wasn't correct.

Then after I tried to blog about it, I had someone alter my blog posts.

Then I was trying to restart my laptop and go in on safety mode as administrator and it wouldn't let me and went to hibernate without my wanting it to. Then I tried again several times and finally I got the message "other people are logged onto this you want to continue to shut down?" and I kept trying and then it finally did and I started in this mode.

I was at one place called the Santa Cruz cafe and everything was working fine and then I was at the bus terminal in Spokane and I was trying to get online unsuccessfully. I think it probably happened there.

Then I went back to my email account, because this is one I use for main things, and someone had restored the password.

I really do not think this is the best place either. I think there is some good energy but the minute I say this, more assholes come out of the woodwork and try to play bizarre games.

I'm tired of it and for how much I'm being used, I'm sick of it.

I do not think I can live in this country, if this continues.

Also, someone is doing something to the computer that is making it get really hot, but it's the not the thing where it emits any kind of physical affect, but is just getting hot on the bottom of the laptop, much quicker than usual.

Also, I went to this one hotel and all of a sudden, had problems with the laptop again, with these things.

I don't think it was a good idea to come here.

I know I saw one guy at the bus station whom I recognized and I knew he wasn't a great person. I have seen him before and he said he was military. I just know I've seen him before.

There has been a ton of gaming in this town, right from the start. I really do not think it is this way all over the country. If it is, I and my son need to leave but it may be others who are not connected to real good U.S. people and are just working their own bad stuff for themselves.

This man just came into the hotel lobby, with a shoe under his left armpit and grinned at the woman here. Wearing a Mariners shirt.

I was told this woman's (the recepitionists) husband is Air Force. There were all these cars from B.C. here and Idaho.

Now some woman wearing a shirt with the 5 petal purple flowers came down. I should have stayed with the people who had tears drawn on the wall for this flower.

Now this guy said he's carrying a shoe under his arm because "I have to check the break." I said, "What?" and he said he had to check the "break" because he was buying a new pair of pants (right now has jeans on), slacks and needs to check the break. It still doesn't explain why he has one shoe under his armpit. He's not in the department store.

I went to this hotel until it's light out so I can check on some things. I walk in and it's all leaves (every single framed painting is of leaves) and leaf decor and then they started playing songs about leaving (like 5 out of 7 are) and then this man wearing a shirt with a crown on it, left first, and walked out, staring at me with enormous eyes. Then this other man walked out with an adidas bag and acting amused. Driving off in a car with Idaho plates. I don't know where the other guy was from.

And this couch and pillows look like Princess Diana's decor.

Then, someone was doing something weird with technology that affected my body (about the time these guys were leaving and after) and without my laptop turned on even. It caused twitching and heart stuff.

Since my laptop was off, I am thinking there cannot be too many other explanations. Then, after I posted about someone screwing with my laptop, all of a sudden, that other stuff quit. Someone quit doing it.

The only thing that slightly weird, is that I ended up at a hotel where everything is leaves and this man leaves with a crown emblem shirt on. Right after I blogged about how today I got a scripture about how "kings loins with be released or something and spread like leaves and the gates opened." Right above this passage was the subtitle for the whole page "God's Omnipotence".

I don't know how many kings we're talking about, whose loins will spread like leaves. I mean, what the hell. All I know is that I asked for something positive to help me and my son and that's what I opened to.

I don't know what these people are doing. First it's someone carrying a shoe and then it's someone with a huge fat book in his back pocket.

Anyway, I will write about some of the other verses I got and then move on to something else. I like how Chopin sounds like show pan. Totally different, and random, but there is a reason I write this and I'm sure someone knows.

My laptop is getting super hot again, on the bottom, like someone is trying to burn it up by causing overheating. It's not the kind that affects me, it's something else that literally raises the temperature of the laptop, mainly on the bottom.

I think I'm in a bad zone. I'll put it that way.

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