Thursday, October 21, 2010

Erased Due To Bad Vibe & Random Reading

I had to erase.

For some reason I started to get the bad vibe, as bad as it was the other day, about an hour ago.

I had to erase it.

It was a sad/bad vibe like I took a wrong corner, said a wrong thing, or influenced something in a wrong way and I backtrack right now, not knowing what it was, but to reverse whatever it was.

Now this asshole from all the way outside was driving by blowing kisses, like I did with my son. Some of these people.

I also asked God, "Tell me something about someone I just met or who is connected to someone" and I got the book, "The Secrets of Judas" by James M. Robinson.

I suspect a pretense of consideration or care when the reverse is true. not sure at what point, but I trust that because something didn't feel right.
I also went to this other bookstore, where I was still feeling that bad feeling, and it is just slightly better since I erased this last thing. I hope whatever I did wrong will turn around entirely.

I also know that someone is here to do something electrical or with technology. Some of the techno stuff is going on right now.
I got some books at random and wanted to do this over.

I thought this selection was much more interesting.

Anthem by Ayn Rand (haven't loved or talked about her since college debate days)
The Art of Non-War by Kim Michaels
The War After Armageddon by Ralph Peters
The Secrets of Judas by James M. Robinson
The Sky Phantom by Carolyn Keene
Homework Helpers Vocabulary Development, Grade K
The Greatest Muhammad Ali by Walter Dean Myers
How The Canyon Became Grand by Stephen J. Pyne
Robin Hood (DK Eyewitness Classics) by Neil Philip
Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann

1. Goodnight Gorilla.Pg. ?
Monkey sitting on bed, yawning
2. Robin Hood, Pg. 48
The Return of the King, Ch. 8
It is about how Robin took 40 lbs from an abbot (the abbot gave freely) and distributed it to the poor. Then they are glad Good King is back and then there is a test for Robin to hit a target with his arrow and if he misses, bump on the head and then the abbot knocked him out with a big punch and then he finds out the abbot was the King. The King said he'd heard a lot of fasle things about Robin and he had discovered it was not true. Then Marian asks to marry Robin and they get married under the greenwood tree.

3. How The Canyon Became Grand. Pg. 106
Most famously Walcott mined the Burgess shale of the Canadian Rockies for fossils that, better than anywhre else, mapped out the explosion of life that had characterized the Cambrian era. (and more stuff about rocks, fossils, and the Rockies).

4. The Greatest: Muhammad Ali. Pg. 135
"Whomp! Whomp! A punch to the midsection makes Ali windce. A hook to the side of the head makes him turn his head as he clutches and grabs, trying to get away from Frazier."

5. Vocabulary Development: pg. 40
Ways to Travel (car, boat, plane, train)

6. The Sky Phantom, #53 (Nancy Drew), pg. 130
something about a $4,000 ransom for a hostage and then "Suddenly Nancy changed the subject. She said she had almost forgotten to tell the girls an important bit ofnew. "I figured out the last word in the message on the medal!" "You did!" the cousins exclaimed together. They waited for Nancy to go on. She said, "It's 'cloud'". In unison the three girls recited the whole sentence: "Revolution bomb site under great cloud." (has to do with many problems including horse thief, romance on the ranch, and a magnetic cloud)

7. The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel. Pg. 139
About Satan tempting peter and then "Luke revokes quite explicitly the mission )instructions of ! that had been quoted in 10:1-16. Those mission instructions had stated: Carry no purse, nor knapack, nor sandals, nor tick, and greet no one on the road ( Q 10:4).

Just listen to Luke revoking these mission instructions, to get ready for the passion narrative: He said to them, "When I sent you out without a purse,bag or sandals, did you lack anything?" They said, 'no, not a thing." He said to them, "But now, the one who has pruse must take it, and likewise a bag. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one. For I tell you, this scripture must be fulfilled in me, "And he was counted among the lawless'; and indeed what is written about me is being fulfilled." They said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." He replied, "It is enough." (22:35-38)

8. The War After Armageddon, pg. 248
"A fly settled on a dead eye. "You surrendur", Sgt. Tisza said. "and from what you know of the MOBiC troops...They may have their faults, but how many of them do you think would surrender to the J's without a fight?" "So they didn't surrender, you mean? I don't get it." Bratty tested his wiskers with the remaining fingers on his right hand, feeling them bristle around his chin strap and catch on the bandage, which already smelled like old socks. "I'm just an old country boy," Bratty told his subordinate. "But I can tell you one thing: A moonshiner only stops for someone he trusts."

9. The Art of Non-War, pg. 85
"The awakening of a critical mass of people from the illusions of duality is the only factor that can end the age of war and usher in the Golden Age of peace. This must be done by someone starting the process of removing the illusions of war from their own minds. These forerunners are the practitioners of non-war."

10. Anthem, pg. 56 & 57
56 references the Golden One (however, above, this golden is good and in this context it's not good), and then on 57, excerpt:
"It is cooler in the fields," they said, "and there is water to drink. Are you thirsty?'

"Yes," we answered, "but we cannot cross the hedge."

"We shall bring the water to you," they said.

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