Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Yes-No Retards

I am so tired of the yes-no retards.

People who stare at me, not even knowing me to say loudly, or mouth quietly, "NO" or who say alternately YES! for absolutely no reason at all.

I am calling them the yes-no retards becaue they don't even know me at all, and I have no clue who they are, and THESE are the people saying "YES!" and "NO!" to someone they don't even know!

And they want others to think I am the crazy one.

I say, "You people, saying yes and no in your professional clothes and actually having real jobs, are serious nutcases who have no room to criticize anyone at all, or ever."

I couldn't even go for a fucking walk through the park last night, without idiots saying "YES!" and "NO!" when I was walking to certain parts. I think, nuts.

There is some guy with grey hair who wishes he were Richard Gere but isn't quite there, and wearing a black shirt over a maroon one and it's a weirdo. He's sitting by the window at this "Aunties" bookstore and knows how to wipe his mouth, but doesn't know how to keep to himself. Like a normal person would. that's all I have to say about that. And he's wiped his mouth so many times I am surprised he didn't start scrubbing his teeth with it as well. First I thought, "Normal use of napkin...good sign" and then he just kept wiping and wiping and wiping and finally I am wondering if he's going to make a pointed end out of the napkin and start really scrubbing at his teeth, one by one, starting with his incisors. Who the hell is this man? A lawyer? or just an asshole in general? Hmm, could I figure out what he does just by staring? I am not able to tell really. He does something where you push something into tight things. I don't know if that's recreation or profession. At least 2 cops have gone by, very amused, so he must be someone interesting.

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