Monday, November 1, 2010

Attempt To Supercharge This Desktop & Damages from WA

I have someone who, for the last 1/2 hour or more, has been doing something to supercharge this desktop.

It is harder to do at the library here but someone is doing this.

I don't know if it is being done with someone or something here or from a distance but it is causing a buzzing on the keyboard and some physical effect as well. The machine has made noise like it's louder and suddenly speeding up all the processes too.

It's 6:22 p.m. here now.

I would say it's been happening since I wrote the last post.

There is a man with curly hair leaving library now. Tall with a multicolored shirt under a sweatshirt and with jeans. Shoulder length curly hair. I don't know that it's anyone here, will be able to tell better later, but he did come over to see which computer I was on and then went upstairs.

There are also 2 women getting ready to leave (one with bright turquoise backpack) and with a man in grey sweatsuit. With another young man in jeans and sweatshirt (adidas).

Maybe it's from something else, but just in case, bc there are not too many people here.

This is a pretty song "Prayer In The Night": I was trying to find out what language the subtitles were in and I think it's Russian--had to look up the person who posted the video. Russian or Ukraine I guess.

Might look up different Vitrayas and mantras. Aunt sent some ideas and there is probably some undiscovered music out there for me to find.

Someone is still doing this. It is happening again. So someone new came in or it's outside.

Erik's Prayer (really like this, sung by Hayley Westenra)

Someone is still doing this right now.

I went upstairs and there are a bunch of people on computers upstairs. Maybe 20 or so. Then one guy downstairs.

One new person who came in when this began is working as a clerk behind a desk and he's been around before, and knows Theo Keyes. He is Middle Eastern but I can't recall where from. He went upstairs about the same time this started, but there are many other people up there, with backpacks, cell phones, etc. He was occupying the chair for "Computer Assistant" upstairs so he must do some kind of temping here.

There was a woman behind me in a room who came out but I don't think it was her.

If someone cares, I would keep an eye on the library door and on who is leaving. An older man with partial grey hair now leaving. Blue jacket.

I know for a fact that someone was doing this supercharging of the computer to try out some psychic thing because this was happening and I got someone "sending" the word "seabiscuit" and I knew it was sent. So I looked it up and it features this jockey with a red jersey and number 9 on it. I went upstairs to see who was doing this and the guy with his back to me when I went upstairs was wearing a red jersey with number 9 on it, exactly the same type of shirt the seabiscuit video featured. I also see these people who are leaving from upstairs and some of them I am seeing a lot, as in, have a lot of proximity. Now this guy who knows Theo Keyes just walked downstairs escorting Mr. Number 9 downstairs. This middle eastern guy is American but associates with Theo and has tried to tell me I'm crazy, knowing I'm not. He is involved with this kind of thing, where people abuse and then want to invalidate what is happening to prevent you (hopefully) from being able to talk about it.

Keep an eye on this door.

There are a few more people upstairs and I believe someone should be watching the door to see who is leaving.

This other woman who has been here, was behind me and is now in front of me, but I am positive now that some of this torture and abuse is military and pseudo-gang. I am absolutely positive.

Someone or some group has been deliberately using forms of torture for psychic and mind control experimentation. The U.S. has been complicit. Which is why I have some officials trying to discreetly tell me they can't help me, if they work for the federal government, because I think what's really being said, is that this is not just Washington State.

This is abuse of U.S. citizens by U.S. government and government supported and contracted persons. The only other possibility with Theo is Russia or UK or possibly even Jewish connections. Since his father is U.S. Army and is a career Army person, I would say this reeks of U.S. with maybe something on the side.

There is another guy leaving the library now who is Asian.

This is the sickest, most disgusting thing I have ever realized and begun to confirm.

Big ass bitch leaving now. She doesn't really have a big ass, but I mean, big time bitch and military. Dark blue shirt with brown hair pulled back into ponytail. Attractive face. No make up. If she isn't military, her family is.

Let me add a few things. Theo works with, and knows, the woman from the Domestic Violence shelter where I was trying to go to make reports and get help with filing restraining orders. They are tied in with the State. The counselor there had all kinds of "theo" things on her desk and said she went to the Nazarene Church (same church theo claimed to go to).

More people leaving the library from upstairs.

Theo was talking about me to Michelle Erickson, who was primary social worker on my custody case, and supposedly went to the same church as the counselor for DVS. He also knows police. All of these people trashed me, stole from me, lied about me, and kept me from my son. They also tried to keep things controlled in their own little groups with select people involved.

Theo said to me, "What are you going to do? You're not getting your kid. You should just join the military or I could teach you some psychic things. Why don't you just want to be with me." (never in a million years).

But Theo knew I wouldn't get my son because he was already working with the military and state people who had illegally separated my son from me and then continued trying to work out their sick experiments.

Theo, meanwhile, stole papers from me, stole my P.O. Box key so I couldn't receive my mail and gave me someone else's key which was pointless. He also ruined my shoes, and cut out parts of my shoes. I tried to report this to police and they did nothing. Theo moved to Bellingham, in sick anticipation that I would move there to try working at the BP oil refinery again and wanted to keep up with me. Or maybe he was trying to leave knowing he could be charged with crime. He announced to me that he was back in Wenatchee, when I was still trying to travel normally a week ago and being barricaded and followed wherever I went.

I haven't even started with the license plates and crazy things people did to me in Walla Walla.

There are others who are doing their "psychic" stuff, and it is always to interfere with my life and use me.

Then I was over in Bonner's Ferry and someone was telling me he was forced into the Army, and he was part of all of this too, and he said it was either go to jail or go into the Army. Where did I stay when I was in Bonner's Ferry? Oh guess. The Army spare room.

Meanwhile I have people who are fucking OUT OF THEIR MINDS if they think I would ever join any military or service group. What has already been happening, is against the UN Declaration of Human Rights. If I signed up for the military, I may as well kiss all rights and ability to show I never consented to being government property away.

As far as I know, one is not considered part of a government chattel simply if one is a citizen. The only times a person becomes, technically, "government property" or under this guardianship, it is if you join the service or you are robbed and kidnapped by CPS to become a ward of the State, i.e., government property.

The Jewish-Americans don't care about me or my son. Why? because they already view me as a threat to what they want to accomplish. The State could treat me and my son like people from the Holocaust and do hideous things, and they don't care, as long as it keeps me down. Some of the Catholic people don't care because some of them just want revenge for imagined insults to their beliefs, friends, or church. Some of the better people in both groups might care simply because they are humanists and have good hearts and morals. The Protestants and other religions maybe don't care as long as they aren't having their family sued for medical malpractice, and as long as they benefit personally, through money, position, and bribes, to allow harm to continue and to block evidence from going into the record. Maybe Obama and Department of Defense and CIA don't care because they think allowing torture of a mother and child is in the nation's "best interests" for research purposes. The FBI (not all but many) doesn't care because they were already pissed to begin with, that I ever complained about them and because they are covering for their friends as well. Does the British monarchy care? I don't know. Maybe they think I'm interesting, or they think Theo is interesting. Maybe they care about my son but maybe they cannot imagine, just imagine, Kate Middleton going through this. I would agree it is possible she may have a hard time getting work outside of her family's business, because of jealousy. However, I hear she has a lot of opportunities and networks (it seems) in New York where someone is just waiting to give her a buzzing photography career. Who does she know in NY and why would she be a hot commodity there? New York? Has she even visited New York? Imagine people going after Kate Middleton, for just one minute, the way they have gone after me. I personally can hardly imagine. I also cannot imagine that anyone would think it's great fun to watch Ms. Middleton as she is being provoked all over the place and followed everywhere, and having every single thing she owns, stolen. I am trying to imagine what state of mind Middleton would even BE in, or have, if one-quarter of what has happened to me, happened to her. I would like to see how Ms. Middleton handles defamation to the degree of having everything she ever owned and paid for, stolen from her, including all of her personal photos. Then I would like to see Ms. Middleton sleeping outside after everyone in London intimidated her family, robbed her family through blackmail, and then basically shut her out of work and told her she could not stay at a shelter. I would like to see what kind of composure Middleton might have if, say, police were harassing her and falsely arresting her for opinions she might have which are more important than deciding what kind of displays to have in the window for Halloween. (by the way...this has nothing to do with middleton in actuality, in the sense that I have no idea what SHE herself is like, I only know how I am harassed and constantly compared and belittled and ridiculed as if I am or were ever a threat to her sea-faring "somewhere over the sea" man).

I am wondering exactly what the UK interest is in me, when Chelsy Davies seems to care and has elf cards for a Christmas and later I'm noticing some strange things about her life and what was happening with her that sort of coincided with what I naively didn't even notice in D.C.

I mean, for one minute, where is the sanity and reason, when, imagine, let's just imagine Kate Middleton being "tortured" and having to "blog" about the "torture". She has a child too! Hmm, I guess that would make her mistress material, and not a wife. Come on, let's hear Kate, trying discreetly to report torture from non-lethal weapons. And then let's watch her hold onto her job, her man, and her pretty study of composure in all circumstances. I guess she lost it once over a parking ticket. Bad girl. Come on though, I really don't believe this woman had stood the test of time--to be dragged through the mud, quite literally.

I want to see some hag WOP her hard on the forehead and see what her reaction is. And let's just start TEEEEaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAARrrrring her clothes and steal, one by one, every single item from her closet until she has only enough things to fit into a duffle bag. And then! heh heh...HIDE...YES, I do mean this...HIDE the IRON!

I will write more later. But let's just say this:

That girl has never had one bite of SPAM.
I went to a coffee place and there were police there. I said hello to my cousin and noticed someone was doing something THERE to affect my heart. So it was either police or someone on a computer there. My cousin spotted me on a coffee but I threw half of it out. I don't trust anyone, for good reason, not even my cousin. I believe there were members of my own family that did some lying about me. In general I trust my cousin, but I have to be guarded in every way.
About Kate M., all I am saying, is that I am confused about why I am so harassed and she isn't. If she flips out over a parking ticket and an eager photographer taking photos of her playing tennis, I cannot even imagine how she would ever handle what I have been forced to go through. I don't think she would even get mad. I think, if she had these things happen to her, for just a couple of weeks, I honestly believe she would be mute in a sanitorium.

Which then, is what helps me to realize why I am maybe still targeted even when I am this far down and have nothing. I have spirit and spunk. I don't give up and I still speak my mind, and try to be true to myself, even when a ton of people conspire against me. Even looking like shit and having nothing, I still believe in myself deep down, and know that I am no better or worse than any homeless person or princess. I take that back, no better than one who has a good heart and tries to have integrity.
Someone keeps deleting things I'm writing. Not only that, this bizarre K9 dog and police pop up came up while I was typing. I have alo been at this other computer and someone started an overheating thing here. So someone is around causing problems again. There are a ton of windows here so it could be someone doing something from a distance or by tapping to this computer.

I tried to report my cash card stolen today and then went to a human rights commission to ask for someone to request the State allow someone else to pick up a card for me in my stead and with my authorization.

I was calling from Kunz Floral and the woman went off, screaming, all of a sudden, "15 minutes! FIFTEEN MINUTES!!!!! 15 minutes..." over and over and over and i said calmly to the woman on the other end, "Can you hear that, there is a problem here and I have to go." SO then I was leaving and the owner RAMMED the door into my wrist, on purpose, in an intentional assault. Supposedly she then lied and so did her employee and said she did NOT hit me with the door. I told the officer to check to see if they had videocameras because they lied. He said, "Maybe they had a reason to help you out" and I said, "If that was true, then they wouldn't have lied about it because they would have known they did nothing wrong."

I asked him to check the videotape because they both lied. I had a mark on my wrist that was actually red for about a half hour and then it faded. Now it's just sore. If I have a bruise, it's being photographed and I am asking that the Kunz Kamikazi is charged. Not only was she insulting, and trying to be offensive by repeatedly saying "15 minutes" over and over, she was a fright, acting like some kind of robot that went haywire. She was like one of those terminator machine robots that loses the shell and the wires are spitting sparks out in every direction.

I asked the Officer to help me get my cash card back and I don't think he took me seriously at all. He didn't do anything. He actually suggested I just call later if I went back to the house. I said what the guys name was and they know who he is.

They did all of these things to me on my Dad's birthday. I know they did some of these things on purpose.

These assholes literally stole my cash card and then used THIS to force me out of the house and then to predict what I was going to do next. The fucker at the house set out a big fat phonebook in front of me this morning and I knew why he did it. He did it because he is an asshole and knew I was going to have to make phone calls to try to get my card. He's done a lot of things like this.

These Officers act shocked, and all they care about is their game and harassment. The police here are shit and no better than hostage guards. They have enabled others to screw me over. Then they even go along with setting the stage for stealing my card and then guessing where I am going to go and who I will call to try to get my card back, just to get cash.

This is not just harassed, this is aggravated and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The only time Officer West looked bad was when I told him how would he like what's happened to my SON to happen to HIS girl. He looked briefly freaked out and then the next time I saw him he had dark circles, like mine, under his eyes. But then he was jubilant when I was falsely arrested for having drugs, with the K9 dog. It was Officer West who came in to avenge the fact that I had started to blog about one of their guys--Chris Rozollo. He knew I was being charged and jailed for something I shouldn't be in there for and what did he do? he smirked at me and then later brought his little girl in and paraded her around. West not only refused to press charges on things that he should have, which would have protected my rights as a victim and sent a message that I was not to be messed with, but then retaliated against me and tried to rub it in that he had his little girl and she was prancing around while I was being jailed on trumped up shit again. Since then, I guess he's felt even. He simply doesn't care.

These Officers still haven't given me information on the hit and run that happened against me, where a car literally plowed into me. They refused to investigate and even go to the guys house and talk to him. Not one single report I have ever made has EVER, in the history of Wenatchee or Chelan police, EVER been investigated. Never. Not even when I reported a rape. They refused to send the lab results to the lab. The photos disappeared. And then I was told the police were not going to help me file for a restraining order even though this same person was witnessed stalking me over and over. I filed it through the women's domestic violence group. After I did, the same person was still filmed and witnessed harassing me and stalking at least 2-3 times after there was even an order in place. He, the rapist, violated the order, but police never arrested him. However, they were quick to arrest me for allegedly being 8 feet within a 100 ft. radius that I was unconstitutionally banned from when I had never harassed anyone.

On the current order for continuance, on this matter, the Prosecuting Attorney intentionally left out the main officer's name, Carlson's name, and used a different officer's name instead. I think this is because I had already made records and reported Carlson as having stalked and harassed me a number of times. So they didn't even want his name on it so it would "look better", for them.

Anything I've reported since then, that could have been investigated, was never investigated. But I've been thrown into jail on false charges a number of times. In Wenatchee, I have spent over 16 days in jail total, on false charges. In every single instance, it interfered significantly with major turning points where I was just about to get ahead. The night before a major media interview about FBI. The night before I was going to start training for work at a very good job in Seattle. The weeks before I was going to file for bankruptcy and still preserve my right to receive compensation for a major knee injury that I had $50,000 reasonably coming to me on. I lost, because of false arrest and false charges that I was driving with suspended license:
1. college monies and went into default,
2. money for towing and cost of my car,
3. a major media interview that would have helped protect my good name and maybe drawn awareness to my situation before I and my son were ever subjected to torture,
4. $50,000 in a personal injury claim (I was in jail and couldn't file things in time),
5. the only decent job I had in over 3 years living in Washington state, which was as a waitress at a yayht club in Seattle. Most recently,
6., lost the ability to file timely as I wanted to, for injunction to protect my rights and my son's rights, to visitition. I filed anyway, but didn't have as much time because I was jailed and then my laptop was kept from me for over a week, unlawfully.

The arrests have all been strategic.

Every single false arrest was made at a strategic time that benefited the cause of others and interfered with my ability to get ahead. It's been abuse of power and authority.

For political asylum claims, a person only needs ONE false arrest. More than ONE, like TWO, is more than sufficient. When it starts adding up the way it has added up in my case, it is highly unusual and indicative of an extended pattern of harassment and persecution.

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