Monday, November 1, 2010

Department of Defense: I Repeat, I WANT MY SON

It will be so not good, to continue using and abusing me.

I looked up the bios. I found the man.

I am prepared and ready.

I want my son.

I have made my reports and they are honest. Someone needs to get in, investigate, and overturn the corruption that allowed Washington officials to coordinate a kidnapping of my child and false arrest of me.

If this Judge Shea is unwilling to honor an emergency injunction to restore visitation with my son, there is something wrong with him. Which means someone else should be taking this case under advisement.

This is the case: It is federal jurisdiction to investigate collusion between officials and Canadian officials, if my claim is that there was no jurisdiction or grounds to take my son and the only means for removing him from me was through a planned and premeditated false arrest.

I also know that this country has people in high and lower places who know I and my son have been abused and used by peons. I am asking them to come forward, however possible, to validate my claims. Please, go to wikileaks, or if that's not the right venue, something else where I will get the information or be able to access the information and use it to my advantage and to my son's advantage.

Guess what Wenatchee? You fucked with the wrong bitch.

Now, my conditions go like lips are sealed and I am waiting for something that looks like "justice" in the justice system to happen, for once, for me and my son. I am leaving this to the U.S. If that doesn't happen, it's going to the UN. I am not even going to start writing my UN complaint until I get a response from the U.S. as to how they wish to proceed.

It's this simple...Regardless of whatever I may write or say or threaten or not threaten or advise...It really makes no difference when doing the right thing is always the same as "doing the right thing".

I think that I have demonstrated survival skills as few women have. I don't know many highly intelligent and attractive women who are so persecuted and discriminated against they are forced to sleep outside like a fucking BUM. Who still keep their mouths shut about a lot of important things and important people, as they sleep in the fucking dirt, with people torturing my son and I and with corruption swirling around this custody case with my son.




You fucking crossed the line with a mother who never had any plan of giving up on her only son. And you chose not to believe that I knew people who might be looking over YOUR FUCKING shoulders.


Here is my advice to all of you. Fucking start your retreat. Maybe listen to the song by Feist too, about the fucking wild card assholes. "I'll Feel It All"

Feel free to read the definition of a wild card:

Did I say FUCK YOU already? My memory isn't so good anymore so here it is again:


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