Monday, November 1, 2010

Problems At The Comfort Suites (technology)

I am going to describe something that someone has done to me at the library at the Wenatchee Valley college and also at the Comfort Suites.

It is most likely, I think, coming from a satellite if it's not through the windows.

I believe it is satellite, based on location.

I want that FUCKING Satellite DESTROYED. I'm sorry, but laser dots on my keyboard are one thing. Someone using something that causes the bridge of my nose to twitch or have benign fasciculations, but nothing else, is coming top to bottom. Unless someone is on a hill somewhere but that doesn't make sense. Or through use of laptop, but that doesn't make sense either.

I want this equipment destroyed and the persons using it destroyed.

If this is U.S., I want it destroyed. If it is another country that is responsible, I want it destroyed.

Because it was accompanied with the overheating, I know it is not "stress" or something normal. I don't have effects like this from stress, and to date, EVERY SINGLE TIME this kind of thing occurs, I am using a computer.

I feel, emotionally, better or more relaxed at the computer. So it is NOT stress related. It is technology and I want it destroyed. It is someone or some group that constantly tries to harm me and my son by tapping into other technology like computers, wii, and a variety of other things.

I prayed for more insights to help me and my situation with my son. I wanted to go through the Department of Justice and just start a whole psychic trash file. But then I thought, no, I can't use this irresponsibly or just according to how I feel like venting. So I am trying to ask for the right things. But I don't sense that I am blocked at all, from trying to get information from the Department of Justice. McKenna's offices first.

Hmm, interesting. I never forgot how I was transfered all over the place when I called the Department of Justice last. I was harassed a LOT by some department which I was told was "mckenna's" offices. I was told it was the criminal division. But now I'm looking for it and can't find it. The mcKenna that comes up, separately, is Rob McKenna with Washington State AG so maybe some group with DOJ was just making fun of me and using his name to do it. Or, maybe there is a division with the name of the guy being McKenna.

I will have to call again soon and clarify about this. Because it appears to me, that I was possibly just being harassed by DOJ members.

Someone is still doing this thing. Several cars went by and for some reason, it quit. Now it's started again so maybe it is something or someone across from me outside.

Or, it's just some major asshole who is in charge of other things, who has a chip on his or her shoulders against me and starts this shit everytime I write something they don't like. It quit and then started up again. It's not even normal like benign fasciculations. It's different.

By the way, I want my Ex from Colombia to be questioned. If I never had any problems like this when I was with him, I am sure the people of Colombia have some information they might be able to share that would help protect me and my son.

Here is something about Sai Baba and it sounds like he is able to do teleportation but through religious means and not for science:
I have a relative who attends a Sai Baba center so I had to look him up.

I like this photo of a Jain temple:

I found this connected to it:

Found picture or painting of the day online too:
(first time I've ever discovered this, that there is a picture of the day selection)
Looked up 8-Nation Alliance:

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