Tuesday, November 2, 2010

more mind control links (mainly about children)




(I like the part, from above link, about how actual parents go along with what the government wants, and basically sell their children to research. Even giving them LSD as kids. Hmmm. I wonder if any of those children whom the U.S. government used, and manipulated or bribed parents to use...I mean...LSD?

So let's see. A parent gives their child LSD because they agree to go in with the government (for the good of the world!) with psychic and mind control research. Gives them LSD. I wonder how many children remember this experience. I wonder if some of these kids were older than, say, 3 years old and more like at least elementary school age, and had hallucinations and saw things like bugs all over the walls, or went into other horrible states from it.

I wonder how the Army or U.S. covertly pays off the parents who are sick enough to sell out their own children. Does the government blackmail the parents so they are helpless and almost have to accept? do they pay them highest dollar to bribe some of them? Where do these parents put the money? in an offshore account so no one knows? It's probably a well kept secret because what govt. person would tell and expose themselves as sick in the head and Nazi, and what parent would want everyone to know what they agreed to do with their own children?

How are the children, who become adults, ever compensated?


OH SHIT when the shit hits the fan and some of these kids start to speak up for themselves and it comes out that no, this kind of thing did NOT end in the 1950s.

I have been thinking about attachment disorder too, and about how some people I think about now and then, today, and may have this and how governments or persons might use this to their advantage.

Instead of trying to kill and poison me for creating "ripples" as if it's a bad thing, read this quote:

Robert Kennedy said,

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

As you can see, there was a clear pattern of using innocent children who had no way of protecting themselves.

Peter Lewis, who had biomedical experiments performed on him received proof after the death of his adoptive father who had served in Army Medical Research. Peter and his sister Carol were adopted from Germany in the early 50's. His adoptive mother told him he was bought for $1000 and that the army owned him. They even gave him dog tags. According to Peter his adoptive father told her, "He's your project." Peter also wrote she admitted to putting a substance from Walter Reed doctors in their breakfast cereal and when they wouldn't eat it because of the taste they were beaten unmercifully. There were occasions when his arms and thighs were covered with very painful boils. I wonder if this wasn't from Radiation poisoning like at Fernald School for the mentally retarded where they fed them radioactive cereal. Peter's mom said "I did my duty."

She reportedly gave Peter pills from Walter Reed that caused hallucinations and nightmares. Since LSD was part of the MK-ULTRA experiments, I am assuming this is probably what the substance was. I guess when we look at the case of the four New Jersey children who hit headlines last week; we understand anything is possible especially when you use the words "It's good for National Security." The New Jersey children were alleged to have been systematically starved by their adoptive parents while the system stood by and did nothing.

Peter said, "My understanding is the sole purpose of adoption of me was for experiments. We have documents and hospital papers for much of this to back this up. Since my dad died, we were able to go through all the papers and find documents, papers, and photographs. These are military photographs he was ordered to destroy, but he brought some home and didn't destroy everything."

Peter has a picture of himself and other Boy Scouts at Walter Reed in 1958 where radioactive experiments were done. In 2000 Peter told me about some of the experiments including a number of bone biopsy's done after he drank radioactive material. He called them Gamma Radiation Experiments. He says they used numbers instead of names to identify him, which is what I too remember - being given a number. Isn't that what they used in the concentration camps?

Peter said they did so many bone biopsies on him that people started asking questions, so they tried to deem him retarded. His IQ is 128. I guess that speaks for itself. His sister, Carol died with Brain cancer from the radiation. The doctor found a crust on her brain and told her she had it for 20, 25 years--at the time the radiation experiments were done.

It is not hard to understand how devastating it would be to learn that you had been adopted for the sole purpose of being a human guinea pig.

Karen Coleman Wiltshire, another survivor, helped Peter with some of his FOIA requests to the government. She attended several public forums with the Department of Defense as a representative of ACHES (Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors) and was outspoken on behalf of survivors on each occasion. She too, was one of the very few who was able to obtain her medical files from John Hopkins proving her experimentation.

Karen's father worked for the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins. She obtained her files through sheer persistence, help from the Almighty, and a mistake by a clerk who was not supposed to give the information out. Karen told me they transported her to Washington, Maryland and Virginia, to military and government labs by private ambulances, military cars, and yellow school buses. She said her experiments took place from 1961 through 1970. Karen related to me that she was kept in the Harriet Lane Home for Invalid Children at John Hopkins where there were wards of children. Her parents had been told she was being treated for a heart defect. She said when they would come to visit, she would be put in a private room with her belongings in order for it to appear as though she had been there all along. When her parents left, they returned her to the ward where she said they did LSD, ECT, and other strange experiments. One of these she explained was to be trained to eliminate emotions and feelings by using assorted torture and other techniques. This sounds very much like the mind control technique used on me by the CIA and other branches of the government.

This is a copy of the consent form for Karen's transportation to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. It says in part, "I understand that the above patient, being a patient in the Pediatric Clinical Research Unit is participating in a research program requiring her presence at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and that a series of visits to Walter Reed Army Medical Center is necessary to complete such a program."

Karen was responsible for spurring me on to obtain information through FOIA requests that would help me validate my memories. She was always banging on doors, persistent to get the truth out, especially when she found out there were so many other kids who were used as human guinea pigs. The Department of Energy had told her she was the only one, but she said that Pentagon sources had personally told her they "didn't want our stories out at any cost. The plan was to pay off a few token victims and blow the rest off." Karen did not live to see any of us receive validation or vindication.

On April 5, 1999 Karen made a presentation on behalf of ACHES entitled ETHICS before the National Institute of Health's' Bioethics Group. She died on April 23, 1999 after doing exhaustive investigation of DOD experiments on human beings. More and more child survivors are coming forward. I receive emails weekly from them and their doctors, more than two years after my book's release. They are looking for information and validation for the memories and trauma they are remembering. Some just want to say thanks. Until reading my book they thought they were alone and crazy.

Now that I have established a clear pattern of children being used as human guinea pigs, I would like to share with you my own search for the truth.

more on child abuse by CIA: http://homepage.mac.com/kaaawa/iblog/C177199123/E156657957/index.html

How trauma is induced in children to produce mind control subjects:
(this is a great article and written in an easy to read and credible way and has more articles to link to. Good job Toronto, Ontario, on this one)

So, if you've read through these articles, does anyone then read about Amy Bishop and think she was operating all on her own, with normal faculties or was she a victim of mind control through various universities she attended that practiced this research, and then with her own research?

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