Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wenatchee Police Nod To Theo Keyes

Today, the Wenatchee police tried to intimidate me and cause distress by encouraging harassment of me by their employees and Theo Keyes, who has suddenly come into some amount of money.

This is a man who masturbated in front of me when I asked him to have respect when I was forced to live with him. I came out of the shower and there he was, knowing that when I turned off the water and dressed and then walked out of the room, that chair with him sitting there would be the first thing I saw.

The masturbation was not even the sickest thing he did--the sick things would be that he and the primary state social worker on my case, were in close contact about me. This was confirmed and admitted to by the worker, under oath. He has also has been in contact with military and law enforcement.

Dresker was the Sgt or Officer there.

This morning I left the house and this woman who stays upstairs stalked me all over the place. On the way to the police station, she followed me by car and then got out of her car and accosted me and I ignored her and kept walking.

I then got to the station and the same receptionist who was there before, who hid and lied about my records from police was there. She was the main receptionist at the Wenatchee police station.

I went to the table at the station, and sat down. There was a stack of papers for the Department of Corrections sitting there. I took them back to the receptionist. Instead of being a normal person and just putting them back, this receptionist came OUT of her office from behind the glass and said to me in full view and hearing of the cameras (which were running behind her)--"You are CRAZY lady." This is supposed to be a professional public servant or employee for Wenatchee police.

After she said I was crazy,I flipped her off, saying nothing in return. So she lunges in my direction saying, "Oh you don't want to MESS with ME! You wanna mess with ME???!!!"

Very professional.

So this woman is threatening me, in a police station where she WORKS, and then she goes back to her seat to stare me down, smirking. Not working at all. Just facing me and making all of these bizarre expressions.

Then Dresker came in and I asked him to follow up on a report made by me yesterday, about theft, vandalism, and assault, and he said he was going to investigate but wanted an excuse out of it. In the middle of my report, he stopped me and filled the space with, "Ms. Garrett, are you seeing a counselor?"

I had just told him $200 had been stolen, and that I had been hit on the head by this woman, and my sweater destroyed (where I have witnesses to this) and he tried to invalidate me with this comment. I said, "Why are you asking?" and he didn't answer. I said, "That doesn't have anything to do with this report and it's none of your business."

He asked how to contact me and I said, "If you will give me an approximate time, I will come back to the station." He said, "No, I don't think you should come back to the station because you have "issues"."

So back to what happened...Dresker refused to give me the name of the woman sitting in a public seat behind the counter who had just harassed me.

Then, he grinned and nodded to Theo Keyes, as Theo walked in.

I had just blogged about how Theo ran off to Bellingham and how I had reported him already to police, and police did nothing.

I went to the phone and started to call this in, and Dresker hurridly told me to put the phone down or he was going to trespass me from the Wenatchee police station. It was a public phone hanging on the wall which is for anyone to use to make reports.

After Dresker threatened to cite me for trespass in the Police Station I left and called 911.

I'm sorry, but that kind of conduct, altogether, is very concerning and enough to warrant a life threatening emergency.

If these people are so bold as to threaten my safety and liberty and degrade me, and then try to TRESPASS ME, I feel this warranted a call for at least getting it onto the record with the State and others outside of local Rivercom.

Theo got paid off, that is certain, but I highly doubt it had anything to do with Cowell. More likely, it had to do with his involvement in a circle of collusion against me in this town, which is also sponsored elsewhere, to degrade me, harass me, try to pick my mind, steal from me, report on me, and keep me down.


  1. i fear for your safety even though it's been an utter delight to watch your delightful insanity increase over these past few months. i hope this ends in hospitalization and not your suicide. you were seemingly coherent mere weeks ago. .something clearly made you snap and we both know it wasn't that wretch Theo Keyes, who could only be a threat to someone very pathetic.

  2. Thanks Blondie.

    Bag some groceries for a change and watch your vocabulary grow.

  3. your assumption regarding my hair color amuses me. you are smug for someone who feigns intelligence and spells poorly. i speak simply because i am confident. i don't hide behind my search engines. i scoff at you. i wish you would bag some groceries. it's an honest job (that has nothing to do with vocabulary). it's laughable that i'm explaining that to you, since your career involves lying to WA state for my tax dollars. oops! this too is over your head, isn't it sweetie? sad...

  4. Regardless of my opinion whether you have issues, the bottom line is this: the Anonymous person leaving those two acrid comments has no right to do so. Furthermore, they are mean, hurtful, and counterproductive. I am fully in support of constructive criticism, but these comments are only geared to be insulting, and shame on anyone who whose goal is to torment others.
