Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Frida Stephens Re. Police Defamation (that I am a hooker)

Frida Stephans has just confirmed Wenatchee police defamed me as being a hooker.

Someone keeps trying to delete what I write.


  1. I know you are a hooker. you tried to pick me up in Cafe mela.
    I told a friend about this chick that came onto me and he said 'Was her name Cameo Garrett?'
    He knew who you were without me mentioning your name because you did the same to him.
    You are a freak!
    get some mental help chick

  2. First of all Writer,

    You sound like a woman, not a man writing in.

    Secondly, if I had ever wanted to be a "hooker" I would have been an escort and I wouldn't be broke.

    There are plenty of women who will sell out, even for a rich boyfriend, or keeping a rich husband.

    Not I.

    I would also appreciate your not making multiple comments because I won't be publishing them all.
