Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Illegal: The Coast Hotel (in Wenatchee) & images

I decided to report something tonight that I had not reported.

The Coast Hotel in Wenatchee and Wenatchee officers who defamed me as soliciting and being a hooker there.

The manager, Frida Stephens, told me tonight, that I did I remember our conversation from a year ago? I said could you refresh my memory but I already knew and remembered. I just wanted to know if SHE remembered and was going to change her story.

So she said she had asked me not to go there. I remembered that she had asked me not to go there after someone at this facility GAVE ME A KEY to their shower room and invited me to shower there and I found out later I had been illegally videotaped.

The very next time that I went there, after I showered there, I was told I was being asked to leave because Wenatchee police officers said I was a hooker and soliciting people there (which I wasn't).

I remember the only other thing that had occured was that I had blogged or made some mention of ...guess who ...

William of Wales.

All of a sudden, after I took a shower in their room, and after I made some post about William, Ms. "Stephans" came up to me to tell me I was not welcome there any longer.

I remember this detail about William because I had just read that one of his aliases was "Steve" and I either looked him up or made a comment about something and then I thought it was strange that then Ms. Stevens (that's how it sounds) was in my face, telling me I was unwelcome and that the police all said I was a dirty slut and was hooking at the hotel.

I have never purchased a hotel room there. One of the blond women at the front desk, who I have not seen for some time, gave me a key to use the shower room, and, in fact, invited me to do so. They had a chair in the shower room. It was a metal chair with a red seat.

After I showered there, I thought it was very strange and odd because all these hispanic guys were getting off on it and made lascivious remarks and gestures to me afterwards, which I never had before. A lot of them were not driving the best looking cars either. I do know that one of the janitors or workers there who saw me go in was hispanic.

I also thought how weird, because I had not asked to shower there or use the shower room. This woman wanted me to use it. I had thought, well, okay, because at that time, thanks to the fuckers, I didn't even have a place to stay hardly and I was on the computer up at the bar most of the time. I never went to any of their rooms and they all knew this.

I asked this woman, Frida Stephans, who came over to me with the little lip lick that Vladdie did, which a LOT of people have done all day today and which I find completely unamusing, she did this whole lip flicker thing and then told me I was still not welcome there.

I had not reported that I was told (and I could see it was true) that I had been secretly videotaped. I felt too embarrassed by it. But after tonight, and after she (Frida)confirmed to ME that the police had defamed me as being a hooker, and she said she remembered, I decided to report how I had been illegally videotaped showering and wanted to see what the Wenatchee police response to this would be.

Frida told me she remembered that yes, the police had said this about me. I said, was it one or two? (I had seen more than one, coming in to see if I was on the computer or not).

This was all right after I separated from my Ex, Alvaro Pardo from Colombia. While I was there, someone there was doing something with technology but I am not sure who exactly.

Then they fucking videotaped me showering.

They banned me the very next visit.

Maybe someone read my mind and figured out that I knew about it.

One of the main police officers, I think a chief if I am right, came in while I was there already. I am not totally sure, but I think so. I saw him there all the time. Either it was him or it was one of the guys that came over from Canada now and then.

So she said she couldn't or wouldn't tell me how many police officers had defamed me. She said, "That is privileged information". I said, "Who is your supervisor?" and she said that it was the OWNER of the whole building, a fucking man by the name of:

"Doug Rigatoni", or, "Doug Rigounni" something like that.

That's what she told me.

Some Italian mobster fucker who approved MY being banned from his whole building after HE probably put in the camera. She said he was from Seattle.

Seattle. No surprise there. I wonder if he's buddies with any of the State workers there in Seattle.

I said, "He approved this? your banning me and he knows?" and she said yes.

I guess some of the Italians are kinda like, "Prince William buys Italian motorcycles so let's do him a favor and give him the full Italian treatment of videotaping naked any woman who dares mention him or his girlfriend in a blog, and then lets' BAN her too!"

I said to Frida, "You are going to be sued." and I left.

Then I called the police and said I wanted to be formally given a "trespass" from the building so that I had something to take to court.

Otherwise, I could sue, and someone would say nothing ever happened and there wasn't even a trespass and no officer ever said I was a hooker and a slut and defamed me.

If it's documented that they trespassed me, they have to have a reason and Frida's "Privilege" unravels with discovery in


After this happened to me at that hotel, people were putting out the same kind of chair everywhere I might walk or go. The same metal chair with the same seat. It was sick. I ignored it. But I didn't forget a FUCKING thing.

That was right after Chris Rozollo. These fuckers had me staying awake all night and then sleeping outside. It was in the summer following my separation from Alvaro.

I was treated worse than any dog is treated. I was treated like a piece of shit. By everyone in this town because they knew what was going on and did NOTHING.

So I asked this officer, Christopher whatever, to take a report about my being illegally videotaped and he wouldn't do it. Then he tried to say it was in the same report as the one where I was trespassed (which I asked for because to sue for defamation I have to have that on fucking record).

So, he wouldn't even take the report or give me the number so I called 911. Yeah, maybe I wasn't in instant danger, at that very second, but what if I were calling 911 every fucking time someone is using technology on me? it would be a lot more often.

And when police are that corrupt, I AM in danger and so is my son. My son is not safe in this area.

So they downplayed it and the officer came back and gave me a new number. I said, "What is the number for?" and said how did he classify this? He wanted me to fucking think it was a separate number for the crime of videotaping me in a shower room. But I asked bc I had a feeling he wasn't doing his job, again.

He said he classified it as a "911 call". I said, "How nice. You document a 911 call to make it sound like I called without good reason but you still haven't given me a separate incidence number for a crime." He said, "It's with the trespass" and I said, "It is a separate incident and deserves a separate report number."

He refused. This is the same cop who covered for an East Wenatchee cop's kid that was sent out to harass me next to THEOs when I had to stay with that asshole.

Then as I was being given the report number for being trespassed, this man and woman came out of the hotel, very interested, and staring at the officer. A pretty blond woman and some man, with plates WA 618 SDW. I think it's SDW and not SPW but my guess is that they are from Seattle or out of country.

When I was trying to call police from The Coast Hotel, the Rivercom operators cut me off 3 times, and then one of the guys there was trying to block me from calling police. I had promptly gone downstairs and asked to speak to police and they cut me off and didn't want to take my call.

It was odd.

Then they had an officer there at the address. So my guess NOW is that someone called Wenatchee police and the police and Rivercom assholes were trying very hard not to allow MY complaint and request to go out all over Wenatchee before the officer got there and tried to make it all about me.

I noticed one of the men there had a bloodied eye, like the eye of someone from Russian church who I felt bad for. I said what happened and she said high blood pressure overnight. I felt bad but she was also the person who works for the State. The Russian translator, but I did feel bad for her. I'm not mean. Other people are mean and cruel but I have never tried to harm anyone myself.

So this other guy has this eye, at the Coast and the other man was laughing about it and I said, "If you think it's funny you might be next."

All day people have been doing this lip licking thing and I never once laughed. I did ask for something about one of these brothers and I probably got someone else and none of them. One of them in a white shirt and eating apples. Slices of a red apple.

Anyway, yeah, when I was leaving, someone from The Coast Hotel thought it was a great and wise idea to play Coldplay's song about When I Was King.

There was some balding Italian man who came to the front desk when I made my call to police from The Coast phone. I wondered if it was "Doug Rigounni". If not, it was one of "his men".

How the hell did I know he was Italian? because a salami looks like a salami and an Italian eyes looks like an Italian eyes--That's how. There's good one and bad ones and I am thinking, for sure, this Doug Rigonni, needs some checking out and checking up on. I am sure he is connected to some really savory State employees.

The woman who gave me the phone was "Diane" (trainee) and this other employee who not only licked his lips but made a disgusting sexual noise with it, was Ken Boyle.
I had to erase this part because it didn't reflect exactly what I was trying to say.

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