Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Church Mystery

My mother is hinting at something about the Russian Baptist church building. With hinting smiles and I had to write back and ask her "WHAT?!" and then thought, "Oh no. I'll bet my mom and dad met there or got married there or something." She said, "Is this the one on ________ and _______?" and then with a smile. Like, ":)" sort of in a ";)" way.


I think it must have something to do with my Dad and her. I wrote back, "Don't tell me this is the church you got married at."


If I find out they got married there and here I had "seen" a wedding dress, I might pass out. I think the wedding dress I got was about the one guy who was talking about his fiance and I didn't know it (because he spoke about it in Russian).

No objections from my family about going there though, or no comment like, "Why are you going to the Russian Baptist Church?" I guess they think it's fine. I didn't know what they would think.

If I find out they got married there, this could explain the dress and the possible glass or crystal bowl or punch bowl I was getting while there last Sunday. But maybe these things were separate somehow.

I don't need overheating of the laptop though. I had no problem with it until just now.

I think possibly that I maybe saw a sister ? of one of the vladdie group walking today but it's probably not one of them, she just looked like she could be. she had a raspberry kind of sweatshirt I think and something jingling and was walking from the direction of the post office, which I was headed to. She was inbetween a BIG smiley face and a LEETLE smiley face.

I don't think everyone will understand what I mean. I'm just joking around bc I went to the bank and there was this big yellow smiley face sticker at the window I was at and then I walked to the post office and I saw this small yellow smiley face sticker on the way, on the sidewalk.

I think this has nothing to do with my mom's smiley face in an email. I will really start sounding schitzo if I think that. It made me think of my son at any rate, just bc he likes smiley stuff.

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