Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Further Police, Town, Harassment & New Internationals

For some reason a few middle eastern people came to town, but I can see it in the faces and eyes of the men, some of them, the more modernized ones, that they are up to no good.

A few others are here, maybe out of curiosity, but some of these other men, with the clean shaven heads, are not from this town or area and why they decided to travel here to join in on the harassment is beyond me.

I was harassed all day, by Wenatchee police and military.

The court ammendment I was told could happen 2 days ago, so that I had my cash and food, was delayed. I was forced to go with nothing.

I refused to stay at the house where I am degraded and used and have my money and EBT card stolen. The police want me to stay there because the people I have been forced to live with are using me for their own allowance and for the research interests of others. And I am not kidding either.

The so-called "Christians" in this town, are like nothing I've ever seen before. It's the most superficial and skin-deep form of Christianity that I've seen in a long time. The Protestants may as well join the Elks club, the Eagles, or even the Masons would be more religious than they are. They have collectively blocked me from work and done their own shutting out.

However, in the government offices, it is Catholics who have been controlling everything. They have controlled the entire case with my son, along with a Jewish person here or there. Every single main person on my case ended up, down to the visitation monitors, being Catholic. And every single time I have someone blocking me from getting hospital treatment or trying to say I'm crazy, they are usually Catholic. The main FBI officials who block me from making reports and disconnect my calls, have been Catholic. On the East Coast, I had major lawyers and CPS workers there, in D.C., causing problems for me, and they were Catholic.

People following me all over the place and setting up some of the weirder things, and possibly, harm, a lot of them, trying to get in and sir up problems, were Jewish, but they relied a lot upon mean spirited Catholics (or non-practicing ones) to stir up resentment and do some really bad work.

I didn't sleep at all last night, after I had 3 weeks of not sleeping when I was being followed and prevented from leaving towns.

The same officer who insulted me yesterday, Dresker, did investigate and take care of a couple of things today, but then he was basically wanting me to go back to the U.S. Army/National Guard house and trying to make it sound like things were better there, than before. He said he would help look into finding someone pay for a hotel room for one night until I attempt to get my cash and food card replaced tomorrow through a court order. But instead, it was like he stalled and for over 2-4 hours I was sitting around waiting for someone to come through on that.

I had just made a complaint verbally to Alison, the assistant to the Mayor, where is where it has to go after police. One would think that in this whole town of nice christian people, and lawyers, and with the amount of damages I am able to claim in the future for harassment, discrimination, and intentional infliction of emotional distress--one would think that someone in town would be able to come up with $40 for a cheap hotel room for one night.

Instead, I was told I had nothing.

These fuckers have forced me to be a hostage in their own town, to them. My son as well.

I was followed around by Attorney General Anne McIntosh tonight, whose plate numbers I wrote down because she did the same thing last night. Except last night I wasn't completely sure it was her and then I remembered, yes, it's the red SUV, and she used to patrol around when I lived at Steve May's place. Then, after being stalled by Dresker, who is Captain of the police, and knowing he knew this would be distressing to me, I see McIntosh, who perjured herself repeatedly and lied about me and based visitation with my son on her own personal feelings and deals with other lawyers and nothing evidentiary.

Then, I had one of my former lawyers, one who had wanted me to be in jail and whose offices tried to keep from receiving a fax I was trying to send to avoid a warrant for a failure to appear. This was when I was delayed because of being poisoned and tortured in Seattle and Bainbridge.

Last night I called to try to find a way to report and the FBI man I reached at 4 p.m. or so, was rude and said to call local authorities and disconnected me. Then I got someone who was better, but BOTH of them refused to give me their ID numbers which they are supposed to do so that a caller is able to indentify them later if necessary. I didn't ask them to give me their names, just their ID number so I was able to keep records but they want that. Which is unprofessional, as if they have nothing to hide, it is protocol and common courtesy to give this information for reference.

I was stalked all over the place and followed again today.

Last night, this guy called Rivercom and said a lot of horrible things about me, after insulting me and knowing exactly who I was and pretending he didn't know, initially. I told him that when you fuck someone over, as he was being very rude to me, you get fucked and then I was walking away and it hit me that he was in a gang. So, for his kindness to me, I reported the fact he is associated with a gang. I don't know which one, but now his name is associated with that and he'll be watched more carefully. I went into the hotel to use the restroom and then was sort of getting a migraine so I was in and turned off the lights as there was still a light from under the door from the hall. I wasn't very long, but in that timeframe, I had photos taken of me. The guy had a camera with a flash somewhere in the room. I wouldn't have even known, if I had had the lights on. If the lights had been on, maybe no flash would have gone off, or maybe if it did, it would have been bright already so I wouldn't have noticed. It is the only time I have ever witnessed a camera flash like that, in a bathroom. It didn't come from under the door either. I looked around and have absolutely no clue where it came from, but it was at least somewhere above waist level and it happened twice. It was exactly as bright as a camera flash but had a hue to it, it seemed. It was turquoise blueish in hue, which seems strange. The second time it was more white but maybe with a little bit of the blue still and it wasn't as bright or dramatic. It didn't seem at least, but that would make no sense because it should be the same I would think, though I was at a different angle in the bathroom so this could have affected how I saw it. It lasted as long as a flash from a camera would last. So then I left the bathroom and was checking email quickly before leaving and this guy came over and was just mean. He insulted me outside, not inside the hotel. I reported to police that the guy had some kind of camera in the restroom and probably no one checked it out. Three officers came out to tell me I had been "trespassed forever" from the hotel by this guy, Jesse, who was just some clerk behind the counter. It took 3 Wenatchee officers to come out in the middle of the night to tell me this? I said, "Thanks" and walked away after having mentioned they should check out the camera in the restroom. I think I was rushed out when I left after the second flash. It was a real flash. Not "minds eye" and not hallucination, not imaginary or an idea. It was a camera flash.

There were issues all night last night and then I went to the Shell station to just kill time, after the whole camera crap, and everything got better. I sat in an area where nothing was going on and chatted a little bit.

Then, some guys came in and were doing technology stuff, but some of it was easier to catch because there were fewer people there and it was much easier to isolate.

I started having a weird sensation with the metal in my neck and looked up and there was only one guy in front of me, with hands in pockets and as soon as I looked up at him, he shifted and it quit. It could have been someone else there but I don't think so because of his reaction and how it quit. Then he left and later I was standing by the window and something was hurting one of my ears. The left one only, which faced the window while my right ear faced the cashier. If I turned my head, it quit, and only hurt if the ear was in sight of the window. So I looked outside and the only guys were 2 hispanic and they were sort of laughing/mocking me. I wrote down the plates and they drove off, and it was in a work vehicle, for cable services.

Then I was followed by military and some general hispanics for some reason, as I went to the nearby bus station in the morning. There were people watching where I went in the store, following me to different sections, and then when I was out. But it was more like one or two of the guys did it for research or experiment, to see where I would go and what I'd do, and the others just watched for kicks. That was how my morning started.

With torture again.

I told the police I didn't want to be insulted or degraded about mental stability or issues when, if I had them, I would have a diagnosis, and I do not. I am not diagnosed with any kind of mental disorder and it is then defamation to claim I have one. I told someone, "The opinions of AG Anne McIntosh are irrelevant. If there is no diagnosis, there is no justification for the claim there is any risk to my child, when no evidence of harm was EVER found."

My son is being harmed by others who have been trying to use him the way they use me, for research. He should be free to be with his mother and play, and instead, both I and my son are held hostage by persons in our own country.

So I lost it tonight, rightly or naturally actually, maybe not perfectly "rightly" but within reason, and said things I've never said before. But there is something extremely wrong with this entire picture.

If someone just wanted me to live with military because they were "protective", that would be one thing. But that's not the case. I have been harmed by people I've been forced to stay with, stolen from and set back, and degraded constantly. Picked apart and made to feel inferior and worthless. And the whole time, used as a test subject for the psychic work and research of others.

My son and I both. And neither of us are being compensated. We are trapped and isolated from one another.

It looks more and more like CIA and military, with use of gangs and others as cover.

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