Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Golden Horse Ass

I am wondering where the video for The Golden Horse Ass went, from the monarchy site. It was the speech for the Quatar banquet, and there is a transcript now, but no video. I was going back to the video to watch it a second time.

My purpose was to determine, since I was next to a giant horse ass, just like this, in Spokane, and followed all over the place, and since I was so harassed and degraded, I was wondering what the coincidence might be.

The Quatar head's face right by the golden horse ass, for filming, made me wonder if it was the person who did the seating arrangement or the one shooting film, or, most likely, they had to coordinate.

Was it "Hey! Someone saw you Spokane! We saw you by the big horse ass!" (friendly way) or a mean message from someone that yes, you have gone all the way to the top, to be mocked and to understand someone in our realm of power has had a hand in your demise and torture and harassment!

If it was someone Jewish who did seating and filming arrangments I might think they were wanting to make a point, as the horse ass I was near was huge and looked like it had a hernia, so given the Jews love for enemies with hernias...just wondered.

Or was it someone catholic, or protestant, or was it even a fan (? curious though it may be).

At any rate, I did love those flowers. They were phenomenal.

As for the duality of the horse ass stuff, I don't know what to think.

Oh, Babs here at the library is saying "It's time to go" after giving her "15 minutes" warning and then "5" so it's count down.

I don't know what to think.

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