Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mind Control Experiments On Children

I still want to go over which universities and scientists were responsible for passing the Act to create Child Protective Services (CPS) but first, I thought I would add more links which show, first of all, what kinds of experiments and access the U.S. has been interested in.

This is not excluding other country's, and their own use of their own children. But it shows what is possible in the U.S. and while some records came out into the open, this kind of research still continues and the point of CPS was to create accessibility to children for this reason: they were wards of the state and government property.

After showing what happened to these kids, and that this is reality, and proving how many Universities and scientists and doctors have been involved, it is then easier to show which Universities were instrumental in helping to pass the CPS Act.

The comments after this article are great. They're up to date and educated and include other links of interest.

This article points to the correlation between physical affection in humans and propensity torwards violence or non-violence. It uses this research to show how societies or groups that are not empathetic are also the societies where children are more at a distance ("let them cry themself to sleep in the crib" as opposed to "let's co-sleep for the comfort and security and bond of the nursing infant") and where there is stigma about sex, esp. with women.

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