Sunday, November 7, 2010

Harassment by Locals & Diary Rats

I went to a gas station to buy a bag of chips and the woman there, who has seen me only one time before, said, "You're hair looks lighter." I knew why she said this. She didn't mean lighter in color, she was being a bitch and repeating things others told her to say. My hair is lighter because half of it has fallen out since I was poisoned again while traveling. This was the teller at the 76 Station. This did not put me in a good mood. I have lost handfuls of hair for over a week, ever since I was given something bad. Literally, at least half of my hair fell out. Right after I had the stomach cramping and knew I'd had something bad. I guess, I might be wrong. Maybe she really thought it was lighter in color but I don't think so. It was an intuitive call that I felt confident about. Literally, I am not kidding, half of my hair fell out after I was dosed with something while traveling. It happened in Walla Walla or Spokane. Within 12 hours of stomach cramping and some other odd symptoms, my hair was falling out in clumps. It only recently quit falling out, I think today I noticed it wasn't quite as bad. But for about 10 days or so, it was coming in huge handfuls, even recently at the Shell station by the Food pavilion in Wenatchee, I brushed my hair and a whole handful of hair ended up in the wastebasket. Because of the cramping and then the hair loss, this is why I wondered if someone had tried to dose me with massive lithium or something. I don't anything else that is a medication or drug that dose this.

Then I went to McDonalds and this guy said, "Oops, I missed" and he hadn't missed anything. He specifically said this, just to say it bc it's something from one of my diaries.

I left my diaries with a woman named Shannon, so if things have been spread around, it would be through her or through Mykal Holt or Alvaro if someone was taking photos of the contents of my diaries before I left that place. From there, I left my diaries with Shannon, and no one else had them before this, except my mother. I picked these things up from my parents house when I was still with Alvaro.

So this is diary stuff that has been leaked by the following:
Alvaro Pardo,
Mykal Holt,
or Shannon (won't use her last name right now)

At least it narrows things down a little bit. It has to be one of them.

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