Sunday, November 7, 2010


None. I feel absent of psychic energy today, aside from reading a few comments. I maybe had an accurate impression of someone in a white oxford long sleeved shirt and a blue tie or tie with blue in it. Lanky tall.

That's about it.

It hasn't been a "bad day". No, for some reason, there is something decent, energy-wise, around here, even if I don't benefit from it in any way.

The worst thing was getting a non-supportive letter from my mother, which, as everyone knows, is not what you want to get, ever. Especially when you have a better handle on what you're dealing with than they ever could.
I read the article about Harry's pink underwear. Well, mainly skimmed--didn't read in depth. Which made me think about how it was the other day I saw underwear and I didn't know if it was my son's underwear or someone else's underwear. I tried to assume they were my son's maybe bc who else's underwear would I see? and they seemed like boy pants more. They weren't pin though, the ones that I "saw". They were blue and white but sort of like briefs with not the typical...I don't know--it was just a flash. They weren't very plain briefs. They were more colorful.

Anyway, so I assumed it was for my son. I didn't see them on anyone at all. Just the underwear and that was it. Like, laid out. I think I thought maybe they were boys because they weren't totally solid. There was some kind of pattern maybe or at least 2-tone thing.

Then, the wall photos made me think about this book I turned over today. The only one I handled. I went to an antique store looking for earrings for my mother and then went upstairs and I haven't gone upstairs before. Not at that store. I ended up by some desks, writing desks. Which I liked and then saw a book with no title on the front at the far end of a different desk and I took it to see what the title was. It was "I Leapt Over A Wall" and then I randomly opened it up to any page and landed on "The bathroom was the only place where she could find any privacy" and just left it open there.

So I guess seeing this article made me think of that book.

I remembered a question I had, in my mind a few weeks ago too. I wondered about the way the Queen sleeps, bc of something I saw in a photo and how she was holding her hands together. I had been doing that, for some reason, a lot, all week and then I noticed I was sleeping that way, or going to sleep that way so I wondered if the Queen ever did this while falling asleep...held her hands together this way. It is, thinking how to describe it...with fingers sort of tucked into fingers of other hand like a clasp. I should find the photo and then refer bc it's hard to describe. It's where the hands are not palm to palm, but the fingers curled into a lock with the other fingers, one palm up, under the other hand where the palm is face down and on top. With fingers tucked in. If I find the photo I'll put it on. Anyway, I noticed I was sleeping that way, with my arms apart and yet locked at the fingers and my head on one arm.

I looked it up and it's from the photo with the caption:
The Queen talks to Professor David de Kretser, the Governor of Victoria, at an audience at Buckingham Palace, 14 October 2010.

At any rate, I had been doing this a lot but mainly bc it's cold here and something to do with my hands. But then I was also falling asleep with my hands that way, clasped like that.

I also saw a photo just now, of her signing something, and using her right hand but as soon as I saw the photo and the way she held the hand I thought, "She is a natural leftie" like she was born as a leftie but was maybe trained to use the other hand.

To me, from just seeing that photo alone and whatever intuitive insights I may have sometimes, she looks like she is clearly a leftie. Which, if true, would explain a lot of things. I mean, mainly, certain traits I've heard about which are more common with lefties.

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