Monday, November 8, 2010

Tortured In Wenatchee: Rejection of God

I don't know why I shouldn't say exactly what has been happening and why it has made it impossible for me to get anything else done.

Torture makes it difficult to resume normal activities.

People in Wenatchee and probably assisted and paid by others, have tortured me here. I do not mean emotionally, which is another matter.

And they think it's funny, these medical professionals who have covered up their crimes, and these state workers who covered up collusion, and these lawyers here who no one wants to use or go to because they're good for nothing but defending their own families. There has been military connection, possibly some Russian connection, Irish (bad Irish), which I'd like to know more about, and other gang stuff.

And I am not going to lose my son over our torture and then the cover up, when the D.C. people and Chief Joints of Staff for the Department of Defense know what is going on.

My being tortured, literally, has been "good" for more than one group. It has served such a broad purpose as to have satisfied the motives of more than one interested party.

Either the U.S. will investigate and address this, or this country is going to earn a reputation of being an asylum for those who engage in practices of torture on U.S. citizens. It will earn the distinction of being a "free democratic society" that harbors homegrown terrorists of their own making. And, has allowed others who are from out of the country, to participate. It will be known for having used a mother whom they already knew had been wrongfully deprived of her rights and of her child, whose child suffered such trauma as to have no hope of normal recovery in development at that tender age of 1 1/2, right in the middle of his most important formative years.

Then then allowed a community to engage in mass bullying and discrimination to the degree that Judges and lawyers, state workers and law enforcement alike, colluded together to cover up and try to conceal my child's damages. And then after torturing this child, they determined to raise him and mold him after THEIR own image and likeness. They rejected the free will of a mother and child which was given by a God that more than half of the people in this community claim to believe in.

They used an enormous amount of money to cover up crime and collusion.

They use their children as agents of harassment, and literally coach these kids to be as backwards and degenerate as they themselves are.

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