Monday, November 8, 2010

Back To Russian Baptist

I guess it's back to the Russian Baptist until someone starts to talk.

Why should I sit through their services when I was last tortured in a service, and not wait for the punchline? A lot of people thought what was happening to me was funny.

Some didn't, and I noticed, and I will never say who they were.

But probably, someone there could tell me what is being used, and why.

Most of the people, that day, knew what was happening to me. Some of them made light of it and others looked secretly horrified and wanted me to leave.

It is not just a few from that church, it is far more reaching than that. It is hispanics and regular white people. But I think that since a church was used as a location for facilitating torture, we can maybe go back to the beginning.

For some reason, the U.S. and the Department of Defense don't care. So what happened? they only allow the Russians who will work with them and the community terrorists and assholes to immigrate over? only those with the most psychic potential, to be used for U.S. interests?

I didn't know if I was going to church or going to psychic camp. That church has more psychic people in one gathering than I have ever been around before. I won't say who, but I liked it initially for the fact that I felt like I fit in, because I was "like" them, even if I wasn't of Russian ethnicity. I have never felt so "alike" in that regard, as I did with the people there and I could "sense" even their children were this way. However, I don't want my son being raised and used to be this way.

And the woman who works for the Stae just drove by, who tortured me in her own car. Angelina or Angela. Just now. Or someone who looks exactly like her. But she was the one who works with CPS and the hospital in town.

What do I want?

I want someone to tell me what is being used to torture me and my son and why. My reason is simple: I want my son back and it will not happen unless I am able to prove what is happening and describe the technology.

All I want, is a sound reason to give someone, for getting my son back.

I'm not saying it's all about a few people at the Russian Baptist church, because I know for a fact that the DOD is responsible for allowing this to happen to me and my son. However, if it is true that Russians have some kind of a "heart" beneath it all, they may be better people, deep down, who would be willing to get past politics or whatever, to tell me what is going on, for the benefit of my son.

The Mexicans here, many of them, do not have this heart for me or my son. Some of them do, because they care about him and maybe me a little bit. But they only seemed to care when I was with my boyfriend from Colombia. Many of them just want him to be raised as part of the cog for the system. The white Americans are just desensitized. They are as empathetic as dishrags. Why else would all these Americans turn a blind eye or participate willingly? after years of domination, they are used to seeing the losers suffer and they don't care as long as they and their families come out on top. It is inbred deregulation of conscience. They can talk all day about Christ and religion and dress modestly and have no clue what a real church was supposed to be about.

I have heard the Russians can be the most brutal and cruel and severe, and then can weep publicly and have a heart. This seems to be a kind of split that maybe occurs because maybe some of them have endured things like what my son has been forced to suffer, which creates a fractured personality. Which is good for psychic work, from what the research says. Maybe it's also good for surviving harsh conditions in some places.

Someone is going to talk.

If I have to psychicly seduce someone, I will do whatever it takes. (I take that back. Within reason and my standards and values.) So, what did you think about last night? Was that a good start? I don't have a one-track mind. I have two tracks. One track was looking up a travel strategy, and the other track was just for you. I proved my point. I may have to work on adding one or more tracks to my total repetoire. Get them going all at the same time and then try to guess what I'm thinking. I'm positive that it is possible to think about at least 4 different things at the same time and try to project one main track over the other.

I want my son, and you are going to help me get him back.


This article, is wrong. Either it is possible to have more than one track running at exactly the same time, or some people alternate back and forth so quickly it is as if it is different tracks. I am sure it is possible, with training, to hold upwards of 4 or more tracks in ones mind at the same time. I haven't tried adding a third before, well actually, yes I was holding a third one last night.

It was the navigator.
There was the travel plan track.
The psychic seduction track
And the navigator, which was overarching and was the track that helped me to think about what I was going to coordinate next.

So really, I have only to master a fourth track.
Maybe then, it is possible to have more than 4 tracks running at the same time. I am sure it is.

At any rate, the seduction track is particularly effective for distracting male psychics from what you are really trying to do. It works on women too.

I guess in computer terminology it's called "threads" or multithreading.

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