Monday, November 8, 2010

Random Reading For Vladdie (gone wrong)

I've had a lot of Vladdie inuendos today. I thought, okay, I'll try a random vladdie laddie book pull-reading. I think it's one gone wrong. Half of the books I randomly pulled are for a woman.

The first thing I did though, was ask to go to a painting that had a saying for him and the one I ended up on said: "Life is not about the breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away."

1. Exposure by Brandilyn Collins. (cover of a photograph of a woman in shadows. The back reads, "Someone is stalking Kaycee Raye. But who will believe her? Everyone knows she's a little crazy Kaycee's syndicated newspaper column pokes fun at her own paranoia and multiple fears. The police in her small town are well aware she makes money writing of her experiences. Worse yet, she has no proof of any threats. Pictures of a dead man mysteriously appear in her home--then vanish before police arrive. Multisensory images flood Kaycee's mind. Where is all this coming from? Maybe she IS going over the edge. Then real danger strikes someone close to Kaycee. And her own disturbing incidents escalate. Are the two series of events related? Is she responsible for it all? High action and psychological suspense collide in this story of terror, twists, and desperate faith. The startling questions surrounding Kaycee pile high. Her search for answers may prove more than she can survive..." I opened to pg. 135 but I will just leave it with the back cover excerpt.

(this sounds like my life, not vladdies, but I basically just asked for things that were for him) SAVE ME! vliddie liddie.

2. The Myth of the Submissive Christian Woman: Walking With God Without Being Stepped On By Others by Brenda Waggoner. pg.99, "Exchanging resentment for gratitude."

3. The Journey From Success To Significance: Every Leader's Quest by John C. Maxwell.
pg. 30 & 31. Mainly landed on pg. 31, "Grow Beyond Yourself. By improving yourself, the world is made better." pg. 30 says, "As responsibility is passed into your hands, it will not do, as you live the rest of your life, to assume that someone else will bear the major burdens, that someone else will demonstrate the key convictions, that someone else will run for office, that someone else will take care of the poor, that someone else will visit the sick, protect civil rights, enforce the law, preserve culture, transmit value, maintain civilization, and defend freedom. You must never forget that what you do not value willl not be valued, that what you do not remember will not be remembered, that what you do not change will not be changed, that what you do not do will not be done. You can, if you will, craft a society whose leaders, business and political, are less obsessed with the need for money. It is not really a question of what to do but simply the will to do it.--Alexander m. Saunders, Jr."

4. And She Lived Happily Ever After: Finding Fulfillment As a Single Woman by Skip McDonald. pg. 114, question 9, "Which school of thought do you agree with in how to date?"

5. A Great And Terrible Love: A Spiritual Journey Into The Attributes of God by Mark Galli. pg. 92, "In the Bible, righteousness is not primarily about righteous behavior but more about right standing within a community." (from ch.9, The Kiss of Community).

6. On Being A Servant Of God by Warren W. Wiersbe. pg. 117, "David's words of counsel to his son Solomon are significant for us today: "Know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts" (I Chron. 28:9) The Lord is loyal to us; He has every right to expect us to be loyal to Him and to one another."

7. The Homecoming by Dan Walsh. pg. 232, "Then he said, "Please skip down to verses 15 and 16." Katherine looked further down the page:
"My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." (from a book about a guy who asks this woman Katherine to be his nanny, who has returned home (he has) from fighting in europe in a war)

8. The Book Of Worship by John Randall Dennis. pg. 154, "I love Thee because Thou has first loved me, and purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree." from hymn My Jesus, I Love Thee by Adoniram J. Gordon, 1876 and William R. Featherston.

(so far, absolutely none of this makes any sense with regard to Vladimir, at least to me. It's one of the most all over the place ones, but who knows.)

9. The Illustrated Everyday Bible Companion by George W. Knight. pg. 550, "Jesus feeds a crowd of more than 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish." (It's the caption for a template of artwork made with engraved stone.)
And that's it. It doesn't make any sense to me but maybe it does for someone else.

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