Monday, November 8, 2010

Noticed Times Of Torture (today)

There were specific times when someone was doing something with the laptop. One of those times is now. I am at a cafe for a Christian bookstore. I dno't know where it would be coming from.

The other time didn't involve my turning on my laptop at all. It happened at a Total Travel business. I then left and it quit and when I went to Journey Travel, nothing was happening there.

I also sort of had some undertones of mild harassment at the firrst travel place, but it was very subdued, and then at the next place, there was none at all. Not that I noticed. At the first travel place I did not even have my laptop on or anything. Someone was doing something though, and I was wondering if someone there was into the military or related, or if it was from directly outside. But it was real and it happened. I am not making it up and I'm not delusional. At the Journey place, no one was doing anything at all. And one woman from the first place told me to go to the second place, so I would think someone would try something there if they wanted to, but no one did anything at all.

I am sure that it wasn't every person there, at the first place, but it was done, something was being done, and that's all there is to it. It quit the minute I left the business. And why would I imagine this? I had no reason to be "paranoid" of any of the people there. They were all pleasant, at least on the surface.

I am 100% positive it was some kind of technology, but I feel this is rather brash, esp. after I had just blogged about what people were doing in this town, to me and my son.

This has also been happening, technology related stuff that affects my health, at the places where I've had to live. It didn't happen last night or the night before but it was happening before that.

One time something pretty bad was happening and that was when I first started saying out loud, in my mind, repeatedly, "Geneva Convention" and "what you are doing is torture" and then this guy got up and changed something when I went outside and was coming back in. And it wasn't happening anymore when I went in. I didn't say it out loud. I thought it and said it in my mind. It wasn't spiritual. It was mind reading. And yes, this is possible.

And I know that the same night I was making a crayon drawing for my son, of the bird and animals and everything, there was only one guy at the house and I was being fried. The whole time. I would leave the house and it quit.

All of these people have military and "other" connections. I don't know if they're only working for the U.S. though, or for their groups or some other group. They may be lying to some, about what they are doing while others know what's going on.

What has been happening for this long, has interferred with every normal thing I would try to do or accomplish, and maybe this is the goal of the U.S.--to test and see how they are able to disable and dismantle someone from accomplishing normal things, so they can then take this to use on others overseas. At any rate, it has made more than one group happy, and they have had different motives for why they want me to be "dis-abled".

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