Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"impression" of roses and drawing

this shows the angle of how I saw them but they were not stacked on top of eachother, but alongside eachother.

this one has the angle wrong or reversed and I drew leaves but I didn't see any leaves. I only saw the roses. probably I should have drawn it with some of the roses partially covered by the others so it reflects the distance and how they are alongside, and not on top of.
I don't want to call it an image or vision because although it appeared like an image, the impression may have been from the screen, which seems highly unlikely that someone would be inserting subliminal msgs into this, but given all the crazy things that have happened, I cannot totally rule it out.

However, it may have been truly from another origin, because I also get impressions that have nothing to do with watching or seeing something else first.

Like my Dad's meal for his birthday, and a wedding dress, and just different things.

It was nice to look up "antique white roses" and try to find web images but I didn't see what I had seen, so I'll draw it.

I didn't have scratch paper on me so I drew it on the back of a tea wrapper. The wrapper writing shows through though. It also photographs reverse of how I saw it. I can't draw it well enough. I saw them very large, or close up and then from a point where they may have been the same size but since I saw them from an angle they reflected that the first one was close and then the others were next to eachother but farther from me. Basic vanishing point theory follows.

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