Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today, Church, and Work

I really enjoyed going to church today. I went to the first mid-day service I've ever been to.

This morning it was raining and I wondered if it would clear up--it looked like a whole day's worth. And then I said, "God, probably Nashville doesn't need rain very much..." and wondered if it might be gone by noon. It did clear up! Last night I was sitting at a cafe, Panera and this little whirlwind started up by my window. I was annoyed with it. I thought, "This is not good. I do not want to be sitting next to the whirlwind." I wasn't going to share this part but I swear, there were voodoo people watching me and knew because they started staring at me in astonishment and I thought, "Do they know?" because I looked at the whirlwind in consternation and it was cloudy and I closed my eyes and prayed, "God, make that whirlwind stop." I opened my eyes to look at it was gone! And there was even some sunlight in its place. But there were all these leaves whirling up by my place and then it quit.

Sort of a "shoo fly".

I didn't think anyone noticed at all, until I continued with my blogging and then I noticed the voodoo people.

I'm not saying the rain quit bc I prayed bc I didn't pray. I just hoped it would quit. And this very nice man gave me an umbrella too when it was raining.

I went to church and sat on one side and then moved and just prayed and I still need to pray bc there is some very crazy stuff around here. I haven't conquered it all but with God's help, I hope to be free and keep others free from persons who attempt to tamper with things and my direction.

I felt a lot of good energy at church today.

And then, I moved to this one chair and I have no clue what happened, but this flow of good energy came through. It sounds strange, but I felt something welling up, in a good way. Like a miniature breakthrough somewhere.

And then I met some people at church and afterwards, ran into some who seemed to be good people and might help me out with the job search or have some good ideas.

The overheating thing is happening where I'm at and that has to do with proximity I think, but I hoping to turn things around.

It was a day for St. Clement today. I went in and turned to several good passages in the book of common prayer. I also felt very connected in prayer, and the tangible presence of the holy spirit at some point. It was very nice.

I have applications to fill out and people to still meet, but things might be coming along.

I had a few impressions--but I am trying to keep more to myself now. I wasn't going to share the whirlwind bit with anyone at all, and keep it my own private wonder, or imagination, but I thought it was trivial. I could tell someone already knew and was shocked by it themselves. But I guess just bc a few people know or guess doesn't mean I have to share everything with everyone.

I would like to find people to pray with more. Just a few.

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