Friday, November 5, 2010


someone putting wires together, or welding of some kind, with metal or some kind of computer or mechanical stuff. Maybe working on a car but first I thought computers. It is a white guy that I saw, and he was also holding a wrench. So that is probably cars, unless you use wrenches for computers.

rubberbands, maybe a button in someone's pocket.
I got back and think this one guy I was talking to was either speaking for himself or maybe someone else. Someone else would be my guess.

When I went out, there were about 2-3 Vladimir twins. The vladdie laddie guy had twins. Or copies. They all had the same hair and close in height, from the back. And all these people were making these expressions and I started laughing again. Go again, harass me, but vladdie harassment cracks me up and puts a split in my side.

I don't like the Justin Beiber hair look by the way. Yes, I noticed his hair the other day, but I was wondering what in the world happened. This was about 5 days ago to a week ago, I noticed. His bangs and the sides of his hair are all combed forward and then hairsprayed like that? It makes me think of Wayne's World in reverse, where instead of the foxy lady with her hair blowing back, we have this nerdy dude with his hair combed forward. If you are not old enough yet to grow sideburns, and always wanted sideburns, maybe this makes sense. Good for the bad cut, niks, or bad skin day too maybe. I haven't noticed anyone's hair like this in Wenatchee, at all, but the Beiber magazine cover was sort of half Wayne's World=half=Back-to-the-Future.
I had to report someone driving by and doing something that stopped my heart for a minute and it was a newer beige SUV and I saw the people behind knew it had happened.

I could not believe it. There was this obnoxious mix of people driving up Miller torwards the horse stables direction.

I called it in and said why was it that this never happened when I was with my ex but only 3 months after we separated (I guess someone gave time to see if there was a baby on the way or not), it all started up again and has been interspersed ever since.

But then I think, this is not good. I wasn't having my period like normal when I was with him and a couple of others so if someone gave an "ok" to dose me with something, these people, or this group, if it's govt at all or connected in any way, will just say oh, whatever it was worked then, but she's been "off" of it and that's why she imagines other things are happening (which are truly happening). It may be, though, for some, the only viable excuse they have for trying to claim there is something wrong with me mentally.

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