Friday, November 5, 2010

Weird Random Tonight

I went to an antique mall looking for something for my mother, with "roses" and "violets" as she asked.

The strangest thing that happened, was that I had just been thinking today, of asking why the emails from my parents have an "I" in the heading and then tonight I found a scrabble box, filled with scrabble letters and I mixed them up, took a handful and laid them out. I got 8 of them, without trying for any number.

4 out of the 8 were "I"s. I, I, I, I. The other letters were V, P, E, and G.

I believe I spelled it out "GIVE IPII" but had no plan for the last 4 letters. There were just 3 "I"s and a "P" left.

So I spelled out "Give", thinking how I want others to give back my son to me. Around the corner were scrabble letters arranged to spell, "Shop. Buy Stuff" and I thought too, that "Give" was a nice compliment.

The other thing was that I emptied out a bottle of buttons into my hand and a couple fell out and I had to find them to put them back after I'd put the buttons back. The last one, on the floor, was a kind of mother of pearl but clear button. This same button was found in another section, sitting out all by itself. I noticed when I was looking through a lot of fabrics and buttons.

It was roses this and roses that and violets, violets, violets and I didn't know what to get...a pin box, a frame? a photo, a plate, a tea towel or hand towel? earrings? a tray? I was trying to keep it under $10, however, I looked at some things which were far more, and yet I can't afford to do this right now. I did find a lot of things but wasn't sure about what I wanted. I almost got a little pin box. I forgot where a couple of things were from and set them back to the counter.

Anyway, I got back and thought, maybe I should get my mother a small mini of "tequila rose liquor", sort of laughing at the idea. I will decide on something tomorrow though.

I also ended up finding a book of prayers with roses, but decided against, for time being. As I was reading the section in it about faith, a George Michael song "Faith" came on. Nice touch cosmic corner.

I haven't appreciated what some of the people in this town have been up to. I have christian people bringing up ideas that someone in my family might die, and all kinds of pure harassment or attempts to make digs about different things. I really think that if I shifted attention to something else, it would end up being all about that.

I couldn't even go to The Salvation Army today without the woman, who looks so conservative and meek, doing some weird things and trying to bring attention to a clock and talking about it and then having someone take out boxes with the word "GO" on them, and this is where this guy I have had to stay with goes to church. Someone from the house had put out mail for me to see when I got in, and it said "GO" on it and then this woman with her kid in a stroller yesterday kept saying, over, and over, "Go! Just GO! Go! GO!" and she said she was christian but everything she was telling me didn't ring true. What was sad was that she did all of this, with her child with her. That is one very, very, small and minor thing, I know, but it's an example. It's not the worst kind of harassment, nor is it torture of any kind, but when it's on and on like this, it is to provoke me, is it not? and this is why I say I don't see a lot of exemplary christian behavior here. She said we're not perfect and I said yes I know, and neither am I, but I think there is a difference somehow. I may do or say things which outwardly sound bad, but I am sincere on the inside and God alone would know. I don't understand how christians even, or any religious person is what I mean really, no matter what the religion is, can dress conservatively, and talk a talk about christian values, but then bully and gang up and deliberately, in a group manner, try to insult and degrade someone. And then, after I expressed my shock, out loud, this same woman just drives off looking very happy and self-satisfied.

There was another woman who was stalking while I was sitting at the bus station and she looked normal too. I wrote down her plates and someone deleted them. I think it was something like 154 WSY but I can't remember. The last part I recall but that's it, for sure. She drove a minivan or SUV and had medium brown hair.

Oh! the other thing, about shopping today, was that I pulled some buttons up from a box and got bachelor buttons (and other ones too) and then pulled some off of a rack which were hanging up bc I noticed this bookmark and then behind all of them, was a U.S.A. flag pin, which made me think about the sticker of the guy the other day, waving with one hand, on a bike with a big U.S.A. flag tailing behind.

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