Saturday, November 6, 2010

In Captivity (photos from last night 'shoot')

I took all of these within an hour and didn't change what I was wearing until the end, I decided to put on the turquoise shirt to go with this patch in the room that was close to the same color and see what I could come up with. some of the ones I took look very 80s and hippie or french but I like them for that fact. didn't include all of them. I guess I did all of this in 1 hour, while dancing to music intermittently (sp?) and then went to bed. My hair is below my waistline now and I hate it this long. I want to chop it off but decided to curl it more to take up some of the length. The only reason I'm not cutting it is in case i need it for more hair analysis, to prove I don't take drugs or possibly to show I've been given things that were harmful. So i can't color or cut my hair right now. I've been wearing it up but will probably wear it down more, if I curl it first. It looks hideous straight, that long, and I don't really even like it that long curled. I don't wear anything I would normally wear either, because all of my clothing has been stolen, and my shoes too and then this guy ruined my one good pair of sneakers. It's been great here. But I am absolutely POSITIVE that no one has ever been jealous of me for any reason at all. Because, you know, I have nothing to offer--not even a dowry. For some reason, I cannot manage to even get a job or back into college, but it's not that I've been tortured with illicit use of technology and poisoned a few times. Anyway, some of the stuff is very small-scale but it's still of the cafe women at a cafe I went to today gave me extremely soured cream for my coffee, and then admitted she knew it was sour. Some of these people have used major things against me and others just do the booger/ex-lax/soured milk stuff. Which makes it a real pleasure to go out to eat these days. At the same cafe where they gave me soured milk, I have received coffee that "wasn't right" and had something in it. So I bought coffee today, and then dumped all of it, without even tasting it, in the toilet, flushed, and then used my own instant packets of coffee. Then, my mistake, I thought the half&half might be okay. Silly me, for being too trusting. Or is it "paranoid"? I am not sure which one I am guilty of: being too trusting and naive or "paranoid". I took some other photos which are sort of odd but they turned out okay technically. I don't really love any of these except the depth of expression in one or two and then at the very end, the depth and colors of some of them. Some of the photos make me look older, some younger. I am 36 and I think, in person, I look close to my age right now but sometimes, on some days, I look much younger. I like the fact that none of these photos, for some reason, "feel" sexy to me. There is an element there, but not like some of the others, where I sensed it. In these, I don't feel that, so I don't mind putting them up for awhile and then maybe taking them down. A few made me laugh, as I was thinking of captians I could add. I might do it with a few. Oh, and I forgot to add, I didn't stage any part of where I was...whatever towels or curtain or mess was there, was not altered by me and I didn't select colors in particular. I just ended up taking photos on a whim and used everything the way it was already. I like natural stuff best. I like staged too, but natural can be interesting.

a mess can be beautiful. the french know this. oui?

yes, these photos were taken in a bathroom. Excuse the toilet paper, but it's the only place where I have any privacy. Glam shots next to TP are HOT, right? (need to crop out, I think)

(I was sitting here and a couple people came in and I asked the guy, "Are you a little bit artistic?" and he said what do you mean? and I said, "I just sensed you might do art of some kind--what do you do?" and he said, "I went to school for photography" and I said, "4 years?" and he said yes. Then it was nice to chat bc he is also a fan of film more than digital and was saying those companies are getting sold and it's harder. They asked if I'd taken photography too, or was in school for it. I had to say I've only had one art photo class and it was in high school.

(I am loading these from last to first so they appear first to last, in the order I took them so these are ones torwards the end)

Here they are. Might add titles later. There are a lot of them. Will probably edit out later:

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