Saturday, November 6, 2010

I got your affirmative "oui" Sir & technology attacks

I made my post about messes being beautiful and I got, after posting this, the voice of a man, agreeing with "oui". I got the tone and it was only one word. Oui in response.

I don't know what language this man usually speaks, but the agreement was in french with "oui". It was serious in tone.

I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't like I actually heard audio, like schitzo, where you think you literally hear something out loud. It was minds eye sort of thing.

But it had to have been very shortly after I first posted that part and someone read it. No, I do not know who it was but it's not crazy either, it was said and that was all that was said.

I don't know if it was a good person or a bad person.
I do know that as long as I've been at this other cafe tonight, tastebuds, the technology thing has been going on, with something affecting my heart, and something I think, through utilizing my laptop. The entire time I've been here.

Last night, I was walking and called into Rivercom to report the fact that someone drove by in a newer beige SUV and had done something that literally stopped my heart. I am not kidding. It was something that caused a temporary stop and this coming right after I had blogged about how heart attacks may not always be natural. The SUV behind them knew what was going on and looked shocked that I turned my head to notice. THEN, there were these other people in vehicles who also knew but were not acting shocked--they were getting off on it and watched and laughed as I started to walk away from the sidewalk.
This trio was in the cafe and are leaving, one woman is blond and wearing black. I asked if they were from here and they said yes and I said, joking (sort of), "What do you do on the side? assassinations?" The woman, in particular, looked freaked out. She said I'd seen her at Cafe Mela before. They left.
This waitress here was standing there and I asked her if she had worked at a tanning salon in Wenatchee because I felt like I'd seen her there. She said no but before this, she had worked at a tanning salon in Seattle. I said this was weird and that it must have been some kind of deja vu.
I think the persons responsible for some of this stuff that's been going on here are the hispanic dishwashers. It quit when they both came out of the backroom to talk to the waitresses and then resumed when they went back again.

I could be wrong, but this is what has happened this evening. There are 2 hispanic guys back there tonight.

Right now, there are a bunch of people in the backroom and preoccuping them as well. It's quit. The other time this happened here, I also thought it was maybe the hispanic guys bc the same thing happened where they came out and it quit. I remember distinctly that it quit then.

The only other idea I had, prior to narrowing this one down, was that it was someone from across the street at the Dominos pizza. I am next to the window that is across from that business.

But this is my guess. I believe it has something to do with the hispanic guys in the back. At least for this location.

Everyone else has come and gone so unless they're passing things off from party to party upon arrival and departure, which doesn't make sense.
It may not have been the hispanic guys because it's happened again so it might not have been them, or just them. There was also a woman back there, but I am not sure who it would have been or would be.
Well, it's happening again, so I guess someone from another country should be blowing up some U.S. satellites. Maybe that, and destroying some other things that people have who are local.

I think that this particular thing is local because local people indicate they know when it is happening. If it was top secret, that wouldn't be the case.

It just stopped again, after starting up so it's not the people at the table here or around. It's someone in the backroom or outside. Also, no one ever did this to me, the whole time I was on the East Coast. They did do some other things, some which were worse, and I still remember when my calls were being interferred with when I was trying to arrange prenatal care and how some group started trying to psych me out at that time. Military helicopter at my window and everything. With the Pentagon just across the way, within view from my window in Arlington, VA.

But this particular thing has only happened to me in this state.

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