Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Same Asshole Harasser & House Arrest

I have this man who has posted a million comments, in varying "disguises" or attempts at disguise, and I just quit posting things because he won't quit. He has tried a number of aliases and "voices" and thinks I'm an idiot.

I haven't deleted some of this, for a good reason. A few of the people are different or collectively get together to post. But mainly, it's the same person.
I read the article about the Chinese artist who is under house arrest for his political views.

I can relate.

Mine is a more diffused and discreet form of house arrest. I read the article from the BBC.

I have noticed animosity from some UK people, but I feel some of them really know what I am going through and empathize and know it's a big problem. I sensed this last night, that someone, while I was taking photos and goofing off, was aware and thinking about the plight of my son and I.

For one thing, if we look at the Iranian guy who was kidnapped to work for the U.S. in Arizona, imagine that. Imagine some guy who appears to be free, who is allowed to leave the house and come back, and do some normal things, it doesn't "look" like he's been kidnapped. Meanwhile, he's being forced to live in that situation and not only that, his talents and skills are being used by the CIA and U.S. government.

The man was living in a normal looking house, probably had a car, and by all outward appearances, appeared to be "free" in every sense of the word.

But he was a hostage. The BBC broke that story, not CNN. Not that these countries don't work together, sometimes too often, on things where it would be better for civil rights to keep some distance from eachother so there is someplace where people can go to find objectivity. I think most of these countries work together, anymore.

What is even more unbelievable is the idea that my son was kidnapped from me and then he and I held hostage. This does not compute, as an idea, to most Americans or, actually, almost anyone. It doesn't seem possible.

But believe me, some people in D.C. know exactly what is going on. It is not easy to escape on $300/month.

The other night, when I was trying to stay up all night instead of go back to the house, I had something else happen. Either I had something to drink that had something bad in it, that night, from a coffee machine or water thing where you have to fill it yourself, or something else with technology that was totally bizarre but didn't cause actual pain, occured.

And what I noticed, is that there were police officers and some others in unmarked vehicles, literally watching me and waiting for me to fall. I also intuited and noticed the expressions. They were shocked that I did not "faint" or collapse then and there, as they expected.

I knew something was wrong, and I started to feel dizzy. I have not ever had this happen before, and it was like I'd been given a sleeping drug of some kind or something else was done. It was evil too, and I knew it. I knew that it was some kind of experimentation and I sensed the people involved had an element of evil in them. One vehicle was a white SUV with a woman who had her lights on and was just watching me from a great distance. For a long time. I noticed some others around me as well. The officer kept going by very slowly, and I "knew" on a psychic level, that they were expecting something to happen and that I would collapse. And I refused to allow that to happen.

I was not feeling sick at all--I was dizzy and it was like I was so tired I had ingested a sleeping drug. But I don't know what caused it. I almost passed out. Instead, what I did, was counter it with the strength that is in me through Christ. I started saying and repeating to myself, that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Over and over and that the strength of the Lord would uphold me. And greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I fought back and then at some point after I had passed those people, it quit. I didn't notice it as much but sensed to just go to bed and get rest. It hasn't happened since.

But those people KNEW and expected something to happen to me.


You are some of the sickest and most twisted and demented individuals I have ever had the misfortune of having to live around.

Ironically, I know that not everything that happens to me is to be compared to Diana but I remembered, in that moment of feeling like I was going to faint and determining it was not going to happen in public on that sidewalk so they could try to cart me away to a hospital, I thought, I wonder if it was even her eating disorder or if someone did things to her sometimes. I wouldn't know how, because people have had, it seems, much more access to me and technology has advanced as well.

I also have thought, since I have had these dark circles under my eyes, how horrible Diana looked in the one interview where she wears all the make-up and talks about "3 of us in the marriage" and I look at her and I wonder if she was really "sick" from eating disorder, or if, seriously, some fuckers were doing some crazy things to her which she could hardly explain or herself sound crazy. She looked totally different just a short time later--health improved is what I mean. I don't think it was eating disorder. She had problems with that in the past and it didn't make her look like that. It could have been something else that made her appear this way which she wasn't able to describe. She looks ill but I don't believe it was mental illness at that time or even eating disorder. I now think it was something else.

I think it's sick, for one thing, that people have come after ME with technology that has affected my heart, after I have had the idea that it's possible someone didn't give her proper treatment when she was in the ambulance or that something else that is weird happened.

I know that other political leaders too, are aware of this kind of technology. Are they going to talk about it? not to the general public. What would they say?

Umm, yes, Clinton had some heart problems and we know that something else could trigger this or affect it, because our own intelligence and military is experimenting with this technology, and we know other countries have it, but we are not going to bring it up and scare people.

It's out there and a lot of people know about this but I guess top people don't want to admit they know because they don't feel like investigating all claims of use of non-lethal weapons being used on people.

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