Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Manipulation but Bees Are Nice

More manipulation. Last night someone kept disconnecting the power to my laptop, even when it was plugged in to a good electrical source. Remotely, because the power didn't go out. It would just cut out totally and not have any power and sucked the batteries out. Finally, I just left it.

I never charge up my laptop in the morning and always have to find a location to do this. I went to the same location I've gone to on a number of Sunday mornings, and I guess someone anticipated that I would be there. It wasn't psychic. It was behavior pattern recognition.

So I charged up the batteries from a place where I've done this before, by an antique mall, and I've done this before, for some reason only on Sundays. I guess because often when I was trying to attend the Russian Baptist church, I was going that direction anyway so I would check my mail.

There is an electrical outlet by the door, the only one outside in that location, so I used it. But people were driving by like it was some remarkable thing that I was sitting there, and it really wasn't. I've done it before, and did it again. So what. I've even gone there at the same approximate time before. And if my laptop was out of batteries, I would charge it up there.

Anyway, there was this unveiling of a window display which was nice to catch. They pulled down the paper and I saw this fushia color curtain which I like. I am not a huge fushia fan but for some reason, this season I am really liking it. It must be in vogue because I'm seeing more of it too. It's one of the outrageous colors that is either a nice accent and artistic punch or it's mixed with tacky things. I sort of like shabby chic, warm, eccentric tacky decor now and then. Like, fushia wall with animal print rug or accent and other bright colors. If the materials are nice, it can be very cheery.

What I liked more, was the bee.

Someone sent a bumblebee over to me. There were no bees around, and this is downtown near pavement and the bees are pretty much away for the season. But out of nowhere, appeared a bee and these bees that randomly appear are always good-natured bees. It was either a bumblebee or a WASP but it was very tame. I have had other bee and insect things happening too, usually bee accompanied with a little spider somewhere, but I haven't written about it.

I can decipher the difference between normal insect behavior and when something is appearing out of nowhere with no explanation. The bees that appear out of nowhere are always mildly curious and easily brushed away without getting mad or being pesky. If you want them to leave, they leave. They're the nice bees. Which sounds weird, but it's true. What I don't understand is how someone is able to get these bees to appear in the location desired, to me even. It must be some kind of teleportation that is being practiced by govt. militaries, but I am surprised they can pinpoint a destination and have it appear there. Or maybe it doesn't work with anyone? I wonder if sometimes the insects don't want to reappear next to someone in particular. Do they have a choice? are they choosy? is it easier to make them appear next to nice people or bad people or does it not matter at all? and coordinates? Does someone imagine coordinates or just think of a person to send the bee to?

To prove I'm not is a link to an article about government experimentation of teleportation (it is real!):

The link doesn't sound scientific but if you go there you will find an excerpt for a science document on Chinese children doing repeatable teleportation in experiments, back in 1990 (it's not even a new thing! but more recently the U.S. was awarded billions in a grant to conduct their own research, I think primarily through the Air Force).

I guess if I read this article correctly, the teleportation is done by radio frequencies. Still confused.

I think, if one had a friend who was in jail and the friend knew about this technology(so wouldn't be worried they were losing their mind) it would be nice to send over a little bee or ladybug or something to say hello.

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