Saturday, November 20, 2010

International Intel & Then Harrassers/FBI

Like I said, most of the people here, the regular ones, are normal. They seem friendly as well, and just like normal people. I've met quite a few who I am able to have conversations with and talk about different things.

However, some of these people are NOT normal and it is very apparent that since it's the weekend, some of the assholes came into town, and some were already in the state and just had to rally over to this part. There is intel here from a lot of different countries. I mean, their serious intel. MI5, CIA and others.

It was so bad, at one point, that I finally did have to contact the FBI, because I noticed a lot of this was coming from people with out of state license plates. This, combined with some of the poisoning and other attempts on my life and with my son, makes it obvious that this is not a "local" matter but broader than that.

I called the FBI, after an entire parade of people pulled this really bizarre stint. I tried to find the "healing room" as my parents asked me to do last night. I didn't think it would be open but found one at the last minute. Unfortunately, since I have a ton of people monitoring my email and since someone in a military or govt. position (most likely) interfered with my laptop connections, and then my cord, I am stuck in a number of ways, with having to use a public access library. I guess my laptop is down until someone with local FBI obtains a warrant to "legally" monitor my computer conversations here. Not that people have never gone around the block.

So, all these people knew where I would be going tomorrow, and they had all these streets lined up with trash and voodoo shit--the same garbage that was happening in Washington. They brought some of the very same FUCKERS over here for the purpose of harasing me.

For example: in Wenatchee, some idiots were outside putting out little "marks" all over the whole fucking town, and then they were literally following me around to see if I walked where they predicted, or hit their marks--all kinds of shit, from marking the sidewalk in chalk to using dead birds and whole animals, seriously, to using even feces to smear bizarre patterns out. Little broken twigs laid out in arrangments, and piles here and there--pretty much like wicca stuff, but all over the fucking town and if it wasn't wicca it was other stuff people were using to mark out their hopeful predictions. Also, all kinds of stupid facial gestures, which no one in their right mind would make or even know how to make unless they were getting "trained" by others from the NW. I believe they are even having seances. Not everyone, but some of them.

Obviously, if I'm on foot, I'm not walking very far. So people literally got maps out and PLOTTED where I might go or not.

Not only that, illegal things have been done to intentionally break my flow of concentration and ability to just get things done unimpeded. It's a little hard when I have my fucking cord BLOWING UP (ON PURPOSE because I saw that people were expecting something to happen before I even plugged it in), to false fire alarms, to notices about the death of a child, to organized theft and then others doing even worse.

Then today there were about 50 cars that passed by, all in a row, and in the most bizarre way: Miss Russia (or Ukraine), Mr. India (orange shirt who looked evil), Miss America, and then the token Asian (there are hardly any of them here) and distinct nationalities and ethnicities all in a fucking line like I was watching some kind of The Continentals Gone Wrong program. A few of them looked horrified themselves, like they didn't want to be there. Most driving by at that time, though, had such bad energy about them, I was literally worried. I looked and noticed that most had TN plates but they weren't all from TN. And others were in cars with plates from other states. It was huge, massively organized, stalking. They were driving by, and each was using some token movement or facial expression that was so exaggerated, it was unbelievable. For example, one person would stick their tongue out, the next stared at me and slapped both arms together while driving by--all of them staring and lunging out the door.

This was after I was at this place where I stopped to get a drink because I was walking and wasn't going to get to the place on time. Of course, all the sidewalks were marked up with things on both sides. I saw military in the periphery.

Then, after displaying a lot of nationalities, it was the religious symbols with one car then going by with the biggest cross you've ever seen hanging from the mirror and then next it was the biggest star ever, and on. Several people have made a breaking neck or popping neck motion...different things.

This one guy had a "crown" plate in the front and something like Indiana in the back and then this other guy had Kansas and then there was Virginia and these were all very nice vehicles. The guy from Virginia really wanted me to notice his car because he and his girlfriend went overboard with the look so I noticed that it was just a flap barely readable.

I asked to use someone's phone because obviously, anyone in their right mind would have called FBI at that point, with this still going on in addition to other assaults. The FBI tried to say it was "local" and I said, "No, this is YOUR jurisdiction. This is state-to-state, and involves collusion." Not to mention what happened with me and my son when we left for Canada...unless the Canadians just don't count with the FBI when maybe the FBI was INVOLVED in what happened there.

So then these people thought it was hilarious and amazing that I called the FBI on a phone where some guy was blowing out birthday candles. I gave it back to the young women and then said, "Will you be in the office?" after they looked at who I dialed.

I then walked past them and wrote down a few plates again, and there was some vehicle there from Virginia, and copies of basically several of the cars that passed me. It was nuts.

The people who would even DO this on a Saturday, choosing to spend all their time on this, are crazy. Crazy, or feel obligated and forced.

Guess what one of the biggest hilarities was?

My choosing a Crush soft drink. The hilarity, I soon noticed, was that they were from 2007. It was a "2007 Crush" (get it?!)...hahaaahhhh. Oh, believe me, the people sitting there, LOVED it, loved it.

So is that was all of this is about? Some kind of 2007 crush? someone had on me that major groups had to start almost killing me over?

It was there that I met some guy named Israel but he wasn't Israeli. Then next to him were a couple of guys named "Aaron and Ben" (hmm, evoking D.C. perhaps?) who sat there coughing and talking about transients and people who come into Nashville as homeless and steal all their resources. It was so rude, and leveled for me to listen to but I tuned them out after awhile. Someone said, "See ya Bob" as I was leaving, but to someone else.

It was after this, knowing someone wanted me to think about my Dad, that I thought this is really sick. Right after that was when the whole line up came up and people followed me and stalked me and harassed me. Then I wrote down the Virginia and Indiana and some other plates and they left me alone for just a short time until I was then being stalked all over again, with someone trying to make bizarre connections out of my going from a burger place with crush soda to a Mexican place where they weren't Mexican. I could not stay there. They were Indian, but it wasn't where I was supposed to be. They had some kind of weird voodoo looking thing hanging up by the fire extinguisher with fries like where I had been earlier.

It was just disaster after disaster. I went from there to an art gallery and next talked to someone who was homeless. Instead of doing some weird thing based on where I go first and the next person following, some of these people have been doing something on skipping over one. I figured it out later, but no, I am not a fucking mind reader, and I thank GOD that I am not a part of this except as the pawn and person they choose to use. I am NOT in the loop and I wasn't before, and I never have been, and I don't need to be now. I'm not joining "that club".

I then had this computer shut off, telling me I had "15 minutes". It never gives this warning. Never. But after I've written what I have, someone got in and deliberately put "15 minutes" to bother me, and then it went off. It wasn't 15 seconds. There is no 15 second warning that comes up in a line of script. Oh but HEY for me? sure there is. Then I signed in again and instead of getting a full 20 minutes it started me at 11 minutes. I looked at the clock and it was 11 minutes to 4:45 p.m. The library doesn't even close until later.

I guess that's my notice to go hurry to not forget to eat and I need to think about the time. I asked this guy here who is in charge of the computers and he said a regular person and people down at Metro Center, which is the Nashville data base.

It is one thing after the other.

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